Heidegger’s contribution to overcoming the metaphysical determination of Freedom, taken as an unconditioned foundation, and its opening of a new access to the investigation of the truth of Being. Part II

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Francisca Rutigliano


We will approach here the issue of Freedom in the historical context of its discussion within the scope of the Metaphysical Thought of Being - scope first formalized by the Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. Our aim is to show, in general terms, how from the assumption of unconditionality, taken as the fundamental determination of Freedom, modern Thought raises the configuration of Being in the form of Subjectivity. We take the issue of Freedom as the guiding thread of this investigation because we understand that this question is the most genuine starting point to the investigation of the forms of Subjectivity establishment intended by modern Thought. We will forward our explanation indicating the perspectives through which greek, medieval and modern Thought contemplated unconditionality within the scope of the problematic of Being. After we opening the problematic context on which the issue of unconditionality unfolds, we will address the role attributed to Freedom by the Philosophy of Kant and Schelling in the determination of the Being of all.


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Rutigliano, F. (2024). Heidegger’s contribution to overcoming the metaphysical determination of Freedom, taken as an unconditioned foundation, and its opening of a new access to the investigation of the truth of Being. Part II. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (10), 103–136. https://doi.org/10.12795/Differenz.2024.i10.05
  • Abstract 13
  • PDF (Español (España)) 17


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