The Janus-faced countenance of Nihilism: Heidegger and Severino facing the incarnations of the Nothingness.

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Jaime Llorente Cardo


The present study focuses on the critical comparison of the reflection proposed by Heidegger and Severino about the true "essence of nihilism", which both locate in the real of ontology, but while for Heidegger "nihilism" equals the position according to which there is nothing left of "Being", Severino identifies it with the conviction that the entity is nothing. In this sense, the perspectives that both philosophers asume in reference to issues such as the relationship between "nihilism" and "value" or the ambiguous role played by subjectivity in this regard are examinated.


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Llorente Cardo, J. (2020). The Janus-faced countenance of Nihilism: Heidegger and Severino facing the incarnations of the Nothingness. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (6), 73–90.
  • Abstract 299
  • PDF (Español (España)) 161


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