The line. Notes on nihilism in the epistolary exchange between Ernst Jünger and Martin Heidegger.

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Miguel Grijalba Uche


In the fifties of the last century there was an epistolary exchange between Martin Heidegger and Ernst Jünger that was the most profound analysis of nihilism as a diagnosis of our time. Jünger proposes the overcoming of nihilism and Heidegger, thinks nihilism as the process by which the truth of Being has been hidden, forgetting its essence. In order to overcome nihilism, it must first be understood in its essence as an event that belongs to the history of Being, in the epochal openings of metaphysics.


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Grijalba Uche, M. (2020). The line. Notes on nihilism in the epistolary exchange between Ernst Jünger and Martin Heidegger. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (6), 53–71.
  • Abstract 750
  • PDF (Español (España)) 366


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