Ciudad y arquitectura en el imaginario utópico

City and architecture in the utopian imaginary


  • Emilio Martín Martínez Guttiérrez UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID



Utopia, Architecture, utopic socialism, Urban Imaginary, town planning


Abstract: We analyse the role assigned to spatial devices in utopian imaginary adopting a broad theoretical perspective: cultural, social and historical. First, we document the tendency of utopias to be reflected in spatial projects and we outline possible causes of this fact: the Greek imprint, the preeminence of the socio-political form “city” and the influence of the ars memoriae based on architectural types. We then interpret the historical evolution of the issue, recognizing a turning point in the 19th century with determinism of space and identifying two approaches that we call space therapeutics and space poetics. One ambitions to solve the most urgent problems of industrial cities through spatial organization. The second arranges the spatial designs to establish a utopian model of society, which, thanks to the spread of science and the idea of progress, was considered achievable, one of its most emblematic models being Le Familistère de Guise.


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How to Cite

Martínez Guttiérrez, E. M., & López Yañez, A. D. (2024). Ciudad y arquitectura en el imaginario utópico: City and architecture in the utopian imaginary. Araucaria, 26(56).
Received 2023-10-03
Accepted 2024-02-09
Published 2024-06-12
  • Abstract 180
  • PDF (Español (España)) 134