Giambattista Vico. Caps. I-IV
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Giambattista Vico
sabiduría itálica
filosofía viquiana
teoría del derecho Giambattista Vico
Italian wisdom
Vichian philosophy
theory of law

How to Cite

Longo, M. (2024). Giambattista Vico. Caps. I-IV. Notebooks about Vico, (38), 147–180.
  • Abstract 4
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The text covers the first four chapters of M. Longo’s work dedicated to Vico: life and writings, on ancient Italian wisdom, the fundamental philosophical theory, and the theory of law. It highlights the main lines of Vico’s autobiography and literary production. It examines what the Neapolitan inherits from the philosophical tradition that serves as the basis for some of his best-known concepts (verum-factum, one-point, cause-business). It recounts his process of searching for a single principle that would explain human and divine things, the soul of the New Science. And it describes his conception of law, also constructed in dialogue with his classical and contemporary sources.
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