Translation of the chapter dedicated to Vico in the Manuale di letteratura italiana, compiled by professors A. D’Ancona and O. Bacci, a completely revised new edition, vol. III, Barbèra, Florence, 1903, pp. 643-664. It was published anonymously, but correspondence between Gentile and D’Ancona proves that Gentile was the author. In the complete works edition of Gentile, it has been reprinted in Frammenti di storia della filosofia, vol. I, edited by A.H. Cavallera, Le Lettere, Florence, 1999, pp. 85-103. Alongside each bio-bibliographical profile, there was a particularly representative anthology of the style and thought of the presented author. In the case of Vico, Gentile selected 32 axioms from the New Science, which are also included here translated into Spanish.