This is a Spanish translation of Gentile’s review of Croce’s opuscule Vico scopritore della scienza estetica. The review was first published in “Rassegna critica della letteratura italiana” 6, 1901, pp. 254-265. Gentile later reprinted it as I primi studi sull'estetica di Vico in Frammenti di estetica e letteratura, Carabba, Lanciano 1921, pp. 121-135. It is now included in Frammenti di estetica e di teoria della storia vol. I, Le Lettere, Florence, 1992, pp. 60-72. The review consists of two parts. The first one provides a brief summary of Croce’s opuscule, in which Gentile celebrates and approves of his friend’s historical reconstruction. However, in the second part, Gentile is quite critical of some central theses in Croce’s interpretation of Vico.