About the Journal

"Like men, institutions, large or small, or minimal, do not exist for what they say they want to do, but for what they do: they will be judged by their real actions, and not by their wordy declarations. Only what they do counts and how they do it." (Pietro Piovani).

"They do things [...] rather than talk about them, since they do them" (G. Vico).

Cuadernos sobre Vico is presented as a periodical publication of studies whose axis is situated in the thought of Giambattista Vico. From this original root, it maintains an interdisciplinary profile, aimed at combining studies and collaborations from the most diverse scientific and philosophical fields that are provided, pointing out among its central objectives historical inquiry, critical study and thematic research, but also dissemination and information. of ideas. He pays special interest to issues that clarify aspects -problematic, historiographical and Viquian themes- in relation to Spanish and Ibero-American culture.

To the same extent, the publication is open to all those studies that, even though they are not expressly about Vico, somehow make contributions to the understanding of Viquian ideas, Vico's work, the historical context, and elements of discussion. and philosophical or problematic questions; and especially those intended to delve into the Italian philosophical tradition and those that reveal connections with our Hispanic culture.

From the opening to diverse problems but at the same time from the Viquian integrationist dimension, Cuadernos sobre Vico will promote the publication of quality studies and research in the Hispanic sphere so that they can be integrated with those produced in the Italian sphere and those developed in the environment Anglo-American, contributing to the progress of Viquian studies; oblivious to any spirit of faction, with a practical spirit of collaboration and contribution.

Cuadernos sobre Vico sets the following main objectives:

a) Promote through publications the study of the thought and work of Giambattista Vico (1668-1744).

b) Promote the study of the influence and development of Viquian thought and the work of Vico in relation to Hispanic (Spanish and American) thought.

c) Investigate and clarify the treatment and relevance of his ideas in the field of Hispanic culture, from an interdisciplinary perspective; that is, not strictly philosophical, but also from profiles elaborated in the fields of history, law, anthropology, literature, aesthetics, philology, pedagogy, etc... Thus giving birth to historical, thematic and problems made from any area of knowledge, within the framework of philosophical and historical sciences, and interdisciplinary contemporary human sciences.

d) Studies that from any problematic context contribute to the clarification of issues related to the Viquian cultural, historical and philosophical environment, developing the historiographical categories of pre-Viquismo and post-Viquismo. For example, delving into the study of Spanish humanism and the relationships between the Italian and Spanish humanist traditions.

e) Study the influence and relevance of Viquian thought in the contemporary history of ideas, always paying special attention to Hispanic research.

f) Translate Viquian or relevant texts as proposed in the previous sections (forming the "Library"); and carry out bibliographic studies.

Cuadernos sobre Vico does not impose any hermeneutic tendency nor does it maintain support for any philosophical current; still less does it take refuge from a specific political ideology or is animated by a religious creed; He simply professes an ideal of freedom of thought, respect for opinion, plurality of ideas, rigor of investigation and quality of expression, attending to the intellectual enrichment of Viquian studies and, in extension, of philosophical and historical ones. Only research compels us. As one reads in the Proem of De Antiquissima: "we, on the other hand, who do not belong to any sect, have to investigate".

(Excerpt from the "Presentation", Cuadernos sobre Vico, 1991)

Peer review process

The evaluation process is carried out by external evaluators, specialists in the thematic areas of the journal, and is doubly anonymous, revealing neither the identity of the author nor those of the evaluators, who will be three in case of diversity of opinions. The informant may receive the report issued by another evaluator. The authors may suggest three possible evaluators. At the end of each year, the journal will publish a list of informants who have participated in the evaluation process.

Open access policy

This Journal provides free and immediate access to its content. The free exposure of research favors exchanges and an improvement in global knowledge. The assignment of rights implies authorization by the authors for the work to be disseminated through the databases that the editor deems appropriate for indexing, with a view to increasing the visibility of the publication and its authors. Likewise, our journal promotes and supports the open access movement to scientific-academic literature, therefore its editions have no charges for the author or the reader, and encourages authors to deposit their contributions in other institutional and thematic repositories later. after the work was published in the magazine, with the certainty that culture and knowledge is a good for all and for all.

This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

Publication Ethics Statement

The publication of the Cuadernos sobre Vico is the collective result of the work and efforts of authors, editors and evaluators who are interested in the development of science for social and cultural development. For this reason, and within the framework of the open access policy, the journal will not charge the authors any fee for the publication, making the articles immediately available in open access.

The editors of the journal undertake to avoid the existence of any conflict of interest between the actors involved in the production. All text sent will be evaluated for its intellectual content, preventing the ethnic or national belonging of the authors, their gender, their sexual orientation, their religious beliefs, or their political philosophy from interfering in the process. In the same way, those external evaluations that interpose any personal position to the quality of the work will be rejected.

Authors and reviewers are asked to disclose in advance any relevant conflicts of interest that they may have, so that they can be taken into account when assigning reviews. If any conflict arises after the publication of the contribution, if necessary, a retraction or statement of the fact will be made.

A “conflict of interest” is understood as the situation in which there is a divergence between the personal interests of an individual and their responsibilities regarding the scientific activities they carry out, whether as authors, reviewers and members of the editorial committee, who may influence your critical judgment and the integrity of your actions. Conflicts of interest can be:

  • Financial: when the participant (author/reviewer/publisher) has received or expects to receive money for activities related to the research and its dissemination
  • Academics: when reviewers or editors adhere to a certain methodological or ideological trend in such a way that they may be biased to evaluate the work of others. For this reason, they are requested to express themselves in advance.
  • Personal or work relationships: when the participants (authors/reviewers/editors) have some kind of friendship, enmity or work relationship. To avoid this, editors should take into account the sources of funding and the affiliation of the authors, to choose reviewers who do not belong to those specific circles.

The journal adheres to the ethical standards of the COPE Committee of Publication Ethics: http://publicationethics.org/resources/code-conduct

Plagiarism policy

The journal's policy is to publish original works, written by those who declare their authorship, and unpublished, they cannot have been previously published in any printed or electronic media. Given the limitations of automatic detection programs and in order to respond to broader aspects that are classified as plagiarism practices -among them translations, the fragmentation of results or "salami slicing", duplication, among others- the journal implements a specific procedure to avoid it, namely: 

When submitting an article, the authors are asked to declare that the article has not been previously published or submitted to other journals for evaluation. In addition, they are asked to declare that they are following the Publication Rules for Authors, which establish that the articles to be submitted must be original.

Upon receiving it -and prior to beginning the evaluation process-, Internet search tools are used, in order to track other works by the authors and compare the title, fragments of the summary, the methodological section and the results. of the article submitted for review, in order to corroborate the originality and avoid plagiarism practices.

When sending it to be evaluated by peer reviewers, the evaluators are also asked to pay attention to possible indicators of plagiarism, since they are the ones who know the sources and literature on the subject.

Cuadernos sobre Vico is an annual publication published in December.

The documents sent to the Journal can be presented in Spanish, English, Italian, German, French and Portuguese.

Evaluation process and arbitration system

All articles submitted for publication must be original, unpublished, and cannot be simultaneously submitted to other journals or editorial bodies.