The Transition. Convergence and discrepancy in the international and national press coverage of Spain’s major postwar international news export


  • Christopher David Tulloch Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Jaume Guillamet Lloveras Universitat Pompeu Fabra


Palabras clave:

Spanish Transition, foreign correspondents, daliy press, political magazines, journalists


Over the last nine years, the role of the national and international press in the Spanish political transition has been the subject of three consecutive research projects led by the Journalism Research Group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona: i) the role of the international press and foreign correspondent corps stationed in Spain; ii) the national newspapers' standpoint on political developments at the time and iii) the explosion of the magazine market that accompanied the consolidation of parliamentary democracy. For the first time, this paper attempts to draw across-the-board conclusions based on the results of all three studies carried out by researchers from six universities from all over Spain. The paper analyses the projection of Spain's biggest international story since the Civil War in the international media arena while at the same time considering its effects on local and national press dynamics.  


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Biografía del autor/a

Christopher David Tulloch, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Profesor agregado interino, Departamento de Comunicación

Jaume Guillamet Lloveras, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Catedratico de Periodismo, Departamento de Comunicación



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Cómo citar

Tulloch, C. D., & Guillamet Lloveras, J. (2018). The Transition. Convergence and discrepancy in the international and national press coverage of Spain’s major postwar international news export. RIHC. Revista Internacional De Historia De La Comunicación, 2(11), 5–22.
Recibido 2018-10-03
Aceptado 2018-11-08
Publicado 2018-12-15
  • Resumen 208
  • PDF (English) 35