Birth, Rise and Destruction of Sijilmasa: An Approach to the Political History of the City of Caravans During the Medieval Centuries




Sijilmasa, Western Islam, al-Andalus, Maghreb, Western Sudan, gold


ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to synthesize the hectic political history of the ancient city of Sijilmasa from the middle of the 8th century until the 14th century. During these centuries this city was the main settlement in the oasis of Tafilalt, located in the southeast extreme of Morocco. For such a long period, Sijilmasa was the most important emporium in gold and slave trade coming from Western Sudan. With this synthesis, we expect to bring to light how the domination of the city of caravans was a strategic first level goal, shared by all political structures with imperial ambitions in the Islamic West during the medieval centuries.


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How to Cite

Villar Iglesias, J. L. de (2022) “Birth, Rise and Destruction of Sijilmasa: An Approach to the Political History of the City of Caravans During the Medieval Centuries”, Historia. Instituciones. Documentos, (49), pp. 459–481. doi: 10.12795/hid.2022.i49.16.



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