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Lista de comprobación para la preparación de envíos

Como parte del proceso de envío, los autores/as están obligados a comprobar que su envío cumpla todos los elementos que se muestran a continuación. Se devolverán a los autores/as aquellos envíos que no cumplan estas directrices.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto tiene un interlineado sencillo, un tamaño fuente de 12 puntos, se utiliza cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL), y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se encuentran colocadas en los lugares del texto apropiados, en vez de al final.
  • El texto reúne las condiciones estilísticas y bibliográficas incluidas en Pautas para el autor/a, en Acerca de la revista.
  • En el caso de enviar el texto a la sección de evaluación por pares, se siguen las instrucciones incluidas en Asegurar una evaluación anónima.

Directrices para autores/as






Contributions accepted by Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos should meet the following criteria:

  1. originality and interest in relation to subject matter, method, data, or findings;
  2. relevance to current research in the field;
  3. revision of previously published work of the topic;
  4. logical and consistent argumentation and analysis;
  5. adequate use of concepts and research methodology;
  6. discussion of theoretical implications and/or practical applications;
  7. linguistic appropriateness, readability and conciseness of expression;
  8. suitability for the aim and scope of Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos.

Reviews should give an informed description of a recently published individual work; review essays should discuss several recent publications related to a subject or area. In both cases the authors should insert their subject(s) within the critical context of the area dealt with and evaluate their contribution to the field. Reviews will be assessed by the Board of Editors and are thus not subject to the process of double-blind peer review.

All texts should be submitted in English.

Authors are requested strictly to observe rules that preclude simultaneous submission and/or duplicate publication and to follow the ethical code as published in the Ethical Commitment for the Publication of Articles

When an article first published in Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos is, after two years, to be reprinted, permission is not required but the author should credit this journal for the article’s first appearance.


Length of articles:

Essay papers: 4,500-8,000 words.

Book reviews: 1,000-1,500 words.

Review essays: 3,000-5.000 words.


Via OJS platform. Contributors should register as authors and follow steps indicated by the system. For any doubts or queries contact ren@us.es.

Personal Data:

All personal information should be absent from the paper itself and authors should revise their submission to ensure a blind peer review. This includes removing names from the word document and following the instructions below:

For MacIntosh Word 2008 and later versions:

  • Under the File menu, select Properties.
  • Under the Summary tab, remove all of the identifying information from all of the fields.
  • Save the document.

For Microsoft 2007 (Windows):

  • Click on the Office button in the upper-left hand corner of the office application.
  • Select Prepare.
  • Select Properties.
  • Delete all of the information in the document property fields that appear under the main menu options.
  • Save the document.

For Microsoft 2010 (Windows)

  • Under the File menu select Prepare for Sharing.
  • Click on the Check for Issues icon.
  • Click on Inspect Document icon.
  • Uncheck all of the boxes except Document Properties and Personal information.
  • Run the document inspector.
  • If the document inspector finds author information, it will allow you to click on Remove All. This will delete your name from the file.
  • Save the document.

 Authors must also complete the document Statement of authorship to the effect that all authors agree to publication and that the paper is original and not being submitted to review in any other academic journal (see “Ethical Commitment 2.3”)


Papers should be formatted according to the following pattern:

Page size: 17 cm. (width) x 24 cm. (height).

Upper margin: 3.5 cm.

Lower margin: 3.5 cm.

Left margin: 2.5 cm.

Right margin: 2.5 cm.

Font size: Bookman Old Style 10.

Spacing: Single.

Block alignment.

Format exceptions:

Title of article: 15, CAPITALS, central alignment.

Section headings (if any): Bookman Old Style 10, CAPITALS, Bold, left alignment.

Keywords and abstract: Bookman Old Style 9, titles in CAPITALS, Bold, paragraph indent.

Long quotations: Bookman Old Style 9, paragraph indent.

Works Cited: Bookman Old Style 9, title in CAPITALS, Bold.

Footnotes: Bookman Old Style 8.

Please do not include automatic spacing after paragraphs. Double-space only:

After the title.

After the keywords in English and Spanish.

After the abstract in English and Spanish.

Before and after section headings (if any).

Before and after an indented quotation.

Before the Works Cited section.

After each item of the Works Cited list.

Headers and footers will be included by the editors. Please do not include page numbers.

Contributors are requested to adjust strictly to this format and to contact the Board of Editors in case of any queries.

Keywords and abstract:

After the title, and paragraph indented, authors should include:

5-10 keywords, separated by semicolons, in English and Spanish

An abstract of the article in 120-150 words, in English and Spanish

Where necessary the Spanish versions will be provided by the editors.



Use double quotation marks for quotations and single quotation marks for quotations within quotations or for speech within a quotation. Use typographical quotation marks.

Long quotations (more than three lines) should be paragraph indented without quotation marks.

All punctuation should be included within the quotation marks.

To indicate an omission within a quoted text, three periods between square brackets should be used: […]

References and Works Cited:

In-text author-page citations (Brown 34) should be employed. For both references and Works Cited, the format should follow the latest edition of the Modern Languages Association Manual (8th edition as of 2020).

Exception: First authors’ surnames should be capitalized in the Works Cited section:

RANDALL, William L. and A. Elizabeth McKim. Reading Our Lives: The Poetics of Growing Old. Oxford UP, 2008.


Footnotes should be restricted to a minimum and used only for commentary that is not easily accommodated within the body of the article.

Raised footnote numbers should be placed after the last word of the passage the author wishes to comment upon and after punctuation marks, if that is the case.

Special section

"Representations of Human and Environmental Vulnerability in Contemporary North American Literature”

Guest edited by Ana Chapman (Universidad de Málaga) and Lucía Bennett (Universidad de Granada)

Sección especial: Game Over

“‘Game Over!’: U.S. Drama and Theater and the End(s) of an American Idea(l)”

Declaración de privacidad

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.