Befindlichkeit temporary dimension and Zeitlichkeit affective experience on Sein und Zeit.

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Roberto Ballester Corres


Through Sein und Zeit existential analytic, we will try to establish, by the analysis of Befindlichkeit as an essential disclosedness way of Dasein, the equi-primordiality between Verstehen and Befindlichkeit, and a special attention to anxiety (Angst), the possibility of thinking an affective experience -as a direct and pre-theoretical disclosedness- about Zeitlichkeit. For that purpose, it will be necessary to analyze both the Befindlichkeit temporary dimension and the fundamental role of anxiety disclosing death, care and, with all that, resoluteness. Thus, we will get to see how Zeitlichkeit is only disclosed, on the project of Sein und Zeit, by the way of a fundamental and affective experience, rather, by the Grundbefindlichkeit of anxiety.


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Ballester Corres, R. (2018). Befindlichkeit temporary dimension and Zeitlichkeit affective experience on Sein und Zeit. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (4), 11–28.
  • Abstract 181
  • PDF (Español (España)) 49


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