The devastation of the Earth and the inviolability of the law of the possible according to Heidegger

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Jaime Sologuren López


What is at stake here is a danger: the possibility of man making the Earth uninhabitable. Heidegger thinks that for the Earth would govern a simple law of the possible that would be, in principle, inviolable, forming a circle to which all living species are assigned and respect, except for man, who has been able to get out of this circle and turn the possible into impossible, which would lead, through science and modern technology and, especially, through the action of an economic system, capitalism, to the devastation of the Earth.


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How to Cite
Sologuren López, J. (2024). The devastation of the Earth and the inviolability of the law of the possible according to Heidegger. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (10), 165–169.
  • Abstract 12
  • PDF (Español (España)) 6


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