Critique of Humanism, Labor and Body in Hannah Arendt

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Anabella Di Pego


The position Arendt’s thought in relation to the legacy of humanism is undoubtedly a problematic issue. From the reconstruction of her critique of the notion of humanity and human nature, I delve into her diagnosis regarding the end of humanism. I will review the assumptions of this tradition that seem to continue operating in her approach in relation to labor and body, in light of the distinction between body (Körper) and lived body (Leib) present in the German edition of her book Vita activa. Arendt’s thought thus proves difficult to pigeonhole within the framework of a reformulation of humanism and can give us beyond it clues for a radical reconsideration of body and politics.


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Di Pego, A. (2022). Critique of Humanism, Labor and Body in Hannah Arendt. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (8), 35–53.
  • Abstract 827
  • PDF (Español (España)) 201


Trabajo realizado en el marco del proyecto “Critica del sujeto, lenguaje y narración en algunas corrientes del pensamiento contemporáneo” (UNLP, H873).

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