The human condition, Arendt and feminism

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Luisa Posada Kubissa


Asking whether Hannah Arendt was a feminist or not is probably nonsense. Like all powerful thinking, it is of interest if it can be of benefit, in this case for feminist criticism. This work fundamentally starts from the Arendtian notion of “labor”, from the Arendtian division of spaces and from The Human Condition, to come to visit some of the current feminist readings of Arendt. And that journey testifies to how the debate within feminist theory about the more or less possible dialogue with Arendt is still alive.


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Posada Kubissa, L. (2022). The human condition, Arendt and feminism. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (8), 127–138.
  • Abstract 2407
  • PDF (Español (España)) 410


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