The Jargon of prejudice. Adorno’s thought on Heidegger in the light of the Black Notebooks

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Matteo Simonetti


This essay aims to deepen the nature and the genesis of the judgment that T. W. Adorno gives about Heidegger in Jargon der Eigentlickheit. Through a testological analysis both punctual and comparative, which examines in particular, for Heidegger, the Schwarze Hefte, the author shows how Adorno carries out an ideological argument rather than philosophical, dictated by a contrast that is sociological, historical and political, which often leads him to misrepresent, if not to manipulate, the very thought of Heidegger. Adorno’s essay deals with two irreconcilable cultural worlds and resentment towards Heidegger, who here becomes an enemy rather than an adversary, weakens the philosophical discourse, taking it beyond the polemos, to episodes of irrational invective.


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Simonetti, M. (2023). The Jargon of prejudice. Adorno’s thought on Heidegger in the light of the Black Notebooks. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (9), 131–163.
  • Abstract 132
  • PDF (Español (España)) 126


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