A contemplation of Machination conceived by Heidegger, as the destiny of a historically consummated transfiguration of the being's Being in the figure of Nihilism

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Francisca Rutigliano


Here is an interpretation of Heidegger's explanation of the fundamentals and developments of the phenomenon of Nihilism, proceeded by the fixation of the meaning of Being as Machination. This interpretation implies the presentation of the Philosopher's preparatory steps for a writing about the meaning of Being guided by another Principle than that instituted by Metaphysics, and it is made from the contemplation of two exemplary texts by Heidegger, in which he investigates the metaphysical determination of Being in two capital periods of the history of Thought: the classical period of Greek Metaphysics, notably in Aristotle, and the consummate period of modern Metaphysics, aimed at through Nietzsche's Philosophy


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How to Cite
Rutigliano, F. (2021). A contemplation of Machination conceived by Heidegger, as the destiny of a historically consummated transfiguration of the being’s Being in the figure of Nihilism. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (7), 81–117. https://doi.org/10.12795/Differenz.2021.i07.05
Author Biography

Francisca Rutigliano, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Francisca Soares Rutigliano é Estudiosa de Filosofia, doutorada pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, desde 2004. Desde então desenvolve o seu trabalho de Pesquisa e Ensino extra-acadêmicos orientando grupos de estudo e alunos particulares no encaminhamento de suas monografias, dissertações e teses na obra de Heidegger. Concomitantemente, a Estudiosa orienta o trabalho de Profissionais cênicos no tocante à abordagem dos Autores tomados em perspectiva nos seus trabalhos pontuais. Além disto, procede à orientação do estudo de Ser e tempo voltado para a fundamentação de uma prática clínica conduzida pela Filosofia de Heidegger.

  • Abstract 177
  • PDF (Español (España)) 85


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