The concept of Hegel and Schelling ́s time on Heidegger ́s Seminars of 1927-1928.

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Luis Ángel Lome Hurtado


The aim is to show the process of Hegel and Schelling ́s interpretation of concept of time on Martin Heidegger ́s seminars of 1927-1928. First, I explain the Heidegger ́s confrontation of Hegel before and after of Being and Time. Then, is analyzed the first Heidegger ́s confrontation with Schelling in 1927-1928. At the end, is concludes with the basics elements that the young Heidegger takes up from Hegel-Schelling ́s concept of time.


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Lome Hurtado, L. Ángel. (2020). The concept of Hegel and Schelling ́s time on Heidegger ́s Seminars of 1927-1928. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (6), 139–154.
  • Abstract 468
  • PDF (Español (España)) 226


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