Criticism of the heideggerian interpretation of the aristotelian substance

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Carmen Segura Peraita


This brief study seeks to go deeper into the understanding that Heidegger offers of ουσία-ενέργεια in Chapter VIII of his Nietzsche. An understanding whose object is nothing other than accounting for the history of being. That which he had initially understood as physis, but shortly thereafter as ουσία, actualitas and finally as Wirklichkeit. It is a question of evaluating the pertinence of Heidegger’s analyses and of his conclusions. In so doing, the specific issue that is considered here is whether in his schematic sketch of this Seinsgeschichte Heidegger proceeds with phenomenological-hermeneutic coherence in his manner of carrying out this historical investigation..


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Segura Peraita, C. (2015). Criticism of the heideggerian interpretation of the aristotelian substance. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (1), 87–102.
  • Abstract 142
  • PDF (Español (España)) 109


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