Negativity and event. A dialogue between Adorno and Heidegger from the perspective of Gianni Vattimo’s hermeneutics
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This paper intends to sketch a more radical interpretation of the Heideggerian ontology that went unnoticed to Adorno's destructive criticism. The purpose of such a kind of presentation is to recover the aspirations to emancipation and the dissolution of domination that encouraged the theoretical efforts of the author of Negative Dialectik. Those efforts remained unfulfilled in Adorno's thinking because his criticism revolved around the horizon of metaphysics. To show this we have chosen the connecting thread that can be read into the last nihilistic hermeneutics posited by the Italian philosopher Gianni Vattimo. His reading could be inscribed among the latest attempts to develop a “left-wing Heideggerianism”. But its peculiarity is that it re-engages in a dialogue with Nietzsche and the Hegelian-Marxist tradition to unfold the transforming and differentiating potential that still lives in the philosophy of the last Heidegger.
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- Abstract 181
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