Method e historicity. The influence of Dilthey and medieval studies in the young Heidegger.

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Leonardo Mattana Ereño


This paper will discuss a segment of particular interest in the Heidegger’s work, concerning, on the one hand, to the Dilthey’s reception and, on the other, to the courses that the young professor imparts between 1921 and 1922 about the Pauline epistles and Augustine of Hippo and the Neoplatonism. In these texts, we assist to the decisive influence that Heidegger makes of the historicism in the phenomenology and to see how his contribution is fundamental when he print his personal trace to the Husserl’s phenomenology to insist in the historicity of fundamental experiences and to give place to the hermeneutic turn.


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Mattana Ereño, L. (2017). Method e historicity. The influence of Dilthey and medieval studies in the young Heidegger. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (3), 123–138.
  • Abstract 148
  • PDF (Español (España)) 59


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