Between Husserl and Heidegger: The articulation of time or the configuration of space; the appropriation of time and the facticity of experience

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Juan A. García González


We intend to give an overview of the Husserlian work, which explains the subsequent evolution to Ideas. From it a comparison with Heidegger is made, particularly in order to specify the built-in character of human intelligence. We will then be able to consider Leonardo Polo’s proposal on the status of the human body latent under intellection.


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García González, J. A. (2018). Between Husserl and Heidegger: The articulation of time or the configuration of space; the appropriation of time and the facticity of experience. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (4), 29–41.
  • Abstract 141
  • PDF (Español (España)) 55


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