Mortals’ offering to the gods: Martin Heidegger’s interpretation of the thing

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Georgios Karakasis


The aim of this paper is to track out things’ thingness in Martin Heidegger’s The Thing. Departing from the ontological difference between a thing and an object, we will go on examining the way an everyday thing, a jug, through its symbolically being used, becomes something much more important than a mere tool of serving; namely, through the act of the outpouring as an offering to the gods, Heidegger radically changes our conception of the thing, via the latter’s becoming the space of the mortals’ being appropriated by the gods in the span between the earth and the sky, namely the “Fourfold”.


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How to Cite
Karakasis, G. (2019). Mortals’ offering to the gods: Martin Heidegger’s interpretation of the thing. Differenz. Revista Internacional De Estudios Heideggerianos Y Sus Derivas contemporáneas, (5), 139–157.
  • Abstract 160
  • PDF (Español (España)) 45


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