Cosmopolitan and Border Experiences in the Global City of Zootopia


  • Ana Virginia López Fuentes University of Zaragoza


Film Studies, Zootopia, Global City, Cosmopolitanism, Borderlands, Diversity


This paper analyses the Walt Disney’s animation film Zootopia (2016) within the context of contemporary cinematic representations of global cities as borderlands but also as bordering, exclusive, diverse and cosmopolitan places. Zootopia is a film about the city space, in this case, about the global city of Zootopia. The film reflects contemporary global cities in which the negotiation of space is a constant issue. It portrays a modern metropolis formed by different neighbourhoods with contrasting habitats such as Sahara, Jungle or Tundra, all comprised in the same space and separated by physical walls. Animals from every environment, size and form cohabit together in the city, but physical and metaphorical borders are erected between them. The film brings an inclusive message breaking with borders inside the global city and portraying moments of openness between the protagonists, a bunny and a fox.


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How to Cite

López Fuentes, A. V. “Cosmopolitan and Border Experiences in the Global City of Zootopia”. Revista De Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 25, Oct. 2021,



Received 2021-02-17
Accepted 2021-07-05
Published 2021-10-08
  • Abstract 623
  • pdf 500