The Hybridization Of The Noir Genre As Expression Of Ethnic Heritage: Rafael Navarro’s Sonambulo
In his ongoing comic book series Sonambulo, versatile artist Rafael Navarro has been able to channel his Mexican American cultural heritage by creating a unique blend of narrative genres. In his work, Navarro exploits classic American film noir as a fundamental reference and hybridizes it with elements distinctive to a shared Chicanx heritage, such as lucha libre cinema, horror folktales, and border-crossing metaphors; the construction of an oneiric dimension helps bringing the narrative together, marking it with a peculiar ambiance. Drawing heavily on a diverse range of film genres, as well as ethnocultural pivots, this comic book series carves out a definite space in the panorama of the Mexican American production of popular culture, adding a powerful voice to the expression of US ethnic minorities.
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Comic books cited
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NAVARRO, Rafael. Sonambulo: Mexican Stand-Off. #1-3. Ninth Circle Studios, 2004-2006.
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NAVARRO, Rafael. “The One That Got Away.” Hot Mexican Love Comics vol. 3, 2006, p.6.
NAVARRO, Rafael et al. Masks of Sonambulo. Ninth Circle Studios, 2003.
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Accepted 2021-06-02
Published 2021-06-25
- Abstract 273
- pdf 205