The off-centering of the technical agent a confrontation between Heidegger’s early philosophy and G. Simondon’s philosophy of technology


  • Luciano Mascaró Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Centro de estudios Filosóficos de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires – Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)



Heidegger, Simondon, Technology, technical object, World, space, matter


This research attempts to perform a brief review of the ontology of technical objects, as it is showcased in M. Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit. We will seek to show that, even though the goals of this work did not aim to elucidate the structure of artifacts, it would be possible to extract a form of existential hpilosophy of technology; however, in order for this philosophy to be capable of engaging dialogue with contemporary currents of thought, it would be necesary to expand it, to make it able to overcome a few limitations. We believe that this amplification and updating could be carried out via a dialogue with G.Simondon’s philosophy. The result of this Exchange would be an off-centering of human existence in te technological scene.


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