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Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN: 1696-0270 • e-ISSN: 2340-4973
Abdulkadir Alici
Necmettin Erbakan University, Turquía
Change in stock prices and development of the
market vary depending on decisions made by
investors. Decisions made by investors are de-
termined by corporate performance, the coun-
try’s economic situation, political developments
and changes in macroeconomic factors. In this
study, the relationship between stock prices of
airlines and macroeconomic variables was ana-
lyzed. To accomplish this, daily macroeconomic
data of 14 airlines covering the years 2009-2018
were analyzed by Toda Yomamato and Hatemi-
J asymmetric causality tests, and macroeco-
nomic factors (Brent oil price, dollar exchange
rate and interest rate) determining stock prices
were identied. According to the results of the
Toda and Yomamato causality test, it was found
that there was a signicant relationship among
variables of the dollar exchange rate, the price
of oil and stock prices of airlines. Except for one
airline, there was no signicant relationship be-
tween interest rate and stock price. According to
the results of the Hatemi-J asymmetric causal-
ity test, it was found that there were signicant
relationships among variables of the dollar ex-
change rate, oil price, interest rate, and airline
stock prices. In light of these ndings, innova-
tion and adoption of alternative fuel technology
by the aviation industry and airlines can be a
successful alternative to oil price risk. Results
on exchange rate and interest rate changes
indicate that airlines and related governments
should focus on policies that increase growth of
the aviation industry.
Keywords: Air transportation, Airline perfor-
mance, Toda Yomamato causality test, Hatemi-
J asymmetric causality test.
La evolución de las cotizaciones bursátiles y el de-
sarrollo del mercado varían en función de las deci-
siones tomadas por los inversores. Las decisiones
de los inversores vienen determinadas por los re-
sultados de las empresas, la situación económica
del país, la evolución política y los cambios en los
factores macroeconómicos. En este estudio se ana-
lizó la relación entre los precios de las acciones de
las compañías aéreas y las variables macroeconó-
micas. Para ello, se analizaron los datos macroeco-
nómicos diarios de 14 aerolíneas correspondientes
a los años 2009-2018 mediante las pruebas de
causalidad asimétrica Toda Yomamato y Hatemi-
J, y se identicaron los factores macroeconómicos
(precio del petróleo Brent, tipo de cambio del dólar
y tipo de interés) que determinan los precios de las
acciones. Según los resultados de la prueba de
causalidad de Toda y Yomamato, se constató que
existía una relación signicativa entre las variables
del tipo de cambio del dólar, el precio del petróleo
y las cotizaciones bursátiles de las compañías aé-
reas. Excepto en el caso de una compañía aérea,
no existía una relación signicativa entre el tipo de
interés y el precio de las acciones. Según los re-
sultados de la prueba de causalidad asimétrica de
Hatemi-J, se constató que existían relaciones signi-
cativas entre las variables del tipo de cambio del
dólar, el precio del petróleo, el tipo de interés y el
precio de las acciones de las compañías aéreas. A
la luz de estos resultados, la innovación y la adop-
ción de tecnología de combustibles alternativos por
parte de la industria de la aviación y las compañías
aéreas puede ser una alternativa acertada al ries-
go del precio del petróleo. Los resultados sobre las
variaciones del tipo de cambio y el tipo de interés in-
dican que las aerolíneas y los gobiernos relaciona-
dos deberían centrarse en políticas que aumenten
el crecimiento de la industria de la aviación.
Palabras clave: transporte aéreo, desempeño de
las aerolíneas, prueba de causalidad Toda Yoma-
mato, prueba de causalidad asimétrica Hatemi-J.
Cómo citar este artículo/ citation: Alici, Abdulkadir (2024). Analysis of Macroeconomic Factors Affecting Stock
Price in Airlines. ANDULI. Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales, (25), 93-137.
Recibido: 13.07.2023 ; Revisado: 01.09.2023 Aceptado: 15.12.2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.12795/anduli.2024.i25.05.
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1. Introduction
One of the main goals of companies is to maximize the market value by increasing
the stock price. The economic situation of the countries is of great importance in
determining the stock price of companies. The relationship between the general eco-
nomic situation and stock prices has been of interest to experts for many years. Some
researchers tried to predict the rise or fall in stock prices with the help of economic
indicators. There are many studies1 that reveal the relationship between macroeco-
nomic factors and the stock price.
Theoretically, the value of a rm’s stock should equal the expected present value of
the rm’s future cash ow, and its future cash ow depends on the rm’s performance.
Airline companies face operational, nancial, strategic and unpredictable (hazard)
risks (Zea, 2002, s.2). As airlines’ future cash ows are exposed to these risks, it is
of great importance to manage risks. Airlines have a fragile structure against eco-
nomic uctuations and negativities. Therefore, there are many nancial risk factors
that affect airlines. The most common nancial risks in the literature are; fuel price,
exchange rate, interest rate, liquidity risks (Morrell, 2007; Vasigh, 2015; Budd and
Ison, 2017; Fernando, 2006; Loudon, 2004; Tsai, 2008). Thus, a change in any mac-
roeconomic variable can potentially affect stock prices.
There are many studies in different sectors that reveal the relationship between mac-
roeconomic factors and stock price, and a meaningful relationship can be mentioned.
However, although there are not enough studies on the airline industry, studies in the
literature prove the existence of a relationship between macroeconomic factors and
stock returns. Unsystematic risks in the airline industry can cause many damages to
businesses. The biggest unsystematic nancial risk factor is oil price. Increases in
the prices of jet fuel (which increases in parallel with the price of Brent oil) negatively
affect the stock prices by reducing the protability of airlines (Vasigh, 2015, s. 149;
Morrell and Swan, 2006, s. 3). It is understood that there are signicant relationships
between oil price volatility and stock price, especially in studies conducted in the
transportation sector (Hammoudeh ve Li, 2005; Nandha ve Brooks, 2009; Narayan
ve Sharma, 2014; Aggarwal vd. 2012). In four studies (Loudon, 2004; Tsai, 2008;
Elyasiani et al, 2011; Kristjanpoller & Concha, 2016) conducted in the airline industry,
it was concluded that oil prices have signicant effects on stocks. Airlines generally
report that foreign exchange movements have a negative impact on prots (Morrell,
2007, p. 178). Global airlines often generate revenue in multiple currencies and pay
for fuel, labor and other costs. As such, they are exposed to exchange rate uctua-
tions (Pyke and Sibdari, 2018, p. 293). In the study conducted by Yashodha et al.,
2011, it was concluded that the exchange rate risk is effective on stock prices for
Cathay Pacic and China Airways airlines. While interest rates are not as volatile as
fuel prices or exchange rates, the amounts of debt accrued by global airlines are a
serious risk from adverse changes in interest rates. If market interest rates rise, air-
lines will have to pay higher interest rates. For example, at the end of 2012, American
Airlines had outstanding debts of around $7 billion (Vasigh vd., 2014, s. 491-491).
1% increase in the interest rate would increase American Airlines’ interest expenses
by $70 million. The increase in interest expenses may reduce the protability and
negatively affect the value of the company’s stock. In the study by Tsai, (2008), it was
concluded that the stock price of the South African Airways is affected by the interest
rate. However, in the study of Loudon (2004), no signicant relationship was found
between the interest rate and the stock price for Qantas and Air New Zealand airlines.
1 The literature summary about the studies is available in the annex2-3
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The subject of this study is the mutual nancial relationships between the stock prices
of airline companies and macroeconomic factors. In this context, the main objective of
the study is to determine the macroeconomic factors affecting the stock prices of air-
line companies around the world. Many studies have been conducted in different sec-
tors examining the relationship between macroeconomic factors and stock prices and
signicant results have been obtained. There are several studies on the airline sector.
In most of these studies, a few (2-3) airline companies were examined in the research
sample. In this study, 14 airline companies were analysed. Therefore, it is thought to
make a great contribution to the literature. Another contribution of this study to the lit-
erature is that Toda-Yamamato (1995) causality test and Hatemi-J (2012) asymmetric
causality test are analysed together. In addition, another point that distinguishes the
study from similar studies is that a large period (2009-2018) is analysed by using daily
data. Thus, it is aimed to obtain more reliable results.
There are many factors affecting the stock prices of airlines. The study investigates
the effect of macroeconomic factors on stock prices. Before the analysis, the relation-
ship between macroeconomic factors and stock price was explained in a concep-
tual framework, and also the relevant literature was addressed. After that, analysis
method was presented. In the analysis part of the study, the ndings were reached
and comments were made about the ndings.
1.1. Conceptual Framework and Literature
The aim of the study is to estimate the relationship between stock price of airlines and
macroeconomic factors. In this context, it is necessary to decipher the conceptual
relationship between stock prices and macroeconomic factors. Macroeconomic fac-
tors used in the study include Brent oil price, Dollar exchange rate, and interest rate.
After the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, almost all countries soon switched
to a oating exchange rate regime, and uctuations in exchange rates began to af-
fect nancial markets. In addition, a large increase in world trade volume and capital
movements has made the exchange rate one of the important determinants of oper-
ating protability and stock prices (Yilmaz et al., 2006, p.5). Sudden ups and downs
in exchange rates negatively affect the capital market and can cause large losses to
businesses and investors (Korkmaz and Ceylan, 2015).
Due to a higher-valued currency, companies can buy the raw materials they need for
production cheaper. This results in reducing the costs of the business and increas-
ing its earnings. In low exchange rate environments, interest rates fall while foreign
exchange reserves and money supply increase. This, in turn, reduces the nancing
costs of businesses. Reductions in nancing costs and prices of imported goods in-
crease future cash ows of businesses (Candan, 2015). Therefore, a decrease in the
exchange rate can raise stock prices.
Most of the revenue generated by airlines is exposed to exchange rate risk. Airlines
sell tickets to many countries and in many currencies. Airline operations in foreing
countries results in an additional exchange risk. For example, revenues from the op-
erations of South Africa Airways operating in Rwanda must be converted into US
dollars and then into the South African currency Rand (Tsai, 2008). Exchange rate
uctuations affect the protibility of airlines. For example, Turkish Airlines ies to
many international routes. Due to exchange rate changes(increase/decrease) in dol-
lar and Euro currencies, there is an increase/decrease in the protability of Turkish
Airlines. Here, currency uctuations and the number of international passengers are
the determining factors affecting protability.
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A rise in oil prices means an increase in raw material prices and production costs.
High production costs lead to a decline in the prot of businesses. This reduces cash
ow in stock markets and leads to a decline in stock returns (Saygan and Süslü,
2011). A rise in oil prices can cause prices to rise in the market, that is, ination. Such
a situation could lead the country’s central banks to increase interest rates in order to
control the increase in the ination rate. High interest rates can cause stock returns to
fall (Basher and Sadorsky, 2006).
Fuel price management is very important for airlines as jet fuel costs include an im-
portant component of airline operating costs. In a study conducted by Koopmasn and
Lieshout (2016), they found that fuel costs were 20% -50% of total costs in 2014.
Therefore, jet fuel price risk makes economic sense for airlines. Likewise, Loudon
(2004) suggested that short-term cash ows may be directly related to changes in fuel
prices due to price change inertia.
One of the key factors affecting stock returns is interest rates. Changes in interest
rates can affect the prospects of expected returns. If interest rates fall, a certain in-
crease in stock prices occurs, as businesses will have the opportunity to nd cheaper
loans (Ercan and Ban, 2008). Based on this, it can be said that changes in the interest
rate have a negative impact on stock prices. An increase in interest rates leads to an
increase in the expected rate of return and a decrease in stock prices. Likewise, a rise
in interest rates increases the opportunity cost of holding cash. In this case, investors
turn to other securities that provide a return on interest, rather than holding capital.
This, in turn, can be reected as a decline in stock returns (Gan et al., 2006). Interest
rates are the most important factor affecting competition between stock market and
the bond market (Kalmanbetova, 2010). When interest rates rise, investors sell eq-
uity investment instruments, preferring alternative securities investment instruments.
Investors, in particular, tend to turn to bond markets (Brigham, 2006; Süslü, 2011).
Interest rate risk is an important factor for airlines, as they borrow heavily for nancing
the purchase of aircraft. High leverage ratios are common in the airline industry due
to capital intensity and relatively high cost of equity. In the airline industry, attracting
capital may be more difcult due to high earnings volatility (Loudon, 2004; Tsai, 2008).
In summary, as airlines borrow heavily, interest rates increase, as well as the interest
cost incurred by airlines increases. Increased interest expenses can reduce prot-
ability and therefore stock prices.
There are many studies in the literature on the subject, except for the airline indus-
try. There are several studies examining this relationship in the airline industry (Lou-
don, 2004; Fernando, 2006; Tsai, 2008; Puncreobutr and Sowaros (2016); Yashodha
(2016)). Details of these studies are given below.
Loudon (2004) investigated the exposure to interest rate, exchange rate and fuel
price risks of Qantas and Air New Zealand, using weekly stock price and independent
variables between 1995-2003. According to linear and nonlinear regression model
analysis, Qantas and Air New Zealand airlines were not exposed to interest rate and
currency risk in the short term, but were negatively exposed to fuel price volatility. In
the long term, it was stated that the incidence of all risks increased.
Fernando (2006) examined 15 airlines’ risk exposures and usage of derivatives to
mitigate these risk exposures specically volatility in jet fuel prices. The data was
obtained from nancial reports of airlines. As a result of the analysis, it was stated
that fuel price risk is the most important risk indicator and that protection instruments
should be used more against this risk.
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Tsai (2008) analysed the impact of nancial risk factors, including interest rate ex-
posures, currency uctuations, and fuel price changes on the airline industry. This
study investigated risk exposures in the South African airline industry and used data
on South African Airways (SAA) and Comair to calculate the impact of risk factors
on exposure signicance. According to the linear and non-linear regression model
results, one of the most prominent ndings of the study is that South African Airways
was affected by all risk factors in all time periods, all risk factors signicantly affected
nancial performance to a certain extent when losses rather than prots were ob-
served. Another important nding is that Comair was exposed to fuel price risk in the
short term.
Puncreobutr and Sowaros (2016) aimed to study the risk factors affecting the low-
cost carrier industry and also to provide guidelines to reduce the risk. The research
was conducted by studying the documents, in depth interviews with personnel at the
airports in Thailand. It was found that the risk affecting the low-cost carriers industry
consists of 2 main factors.
Yashodha et al. (2016) examined relationships between the stock price of Cathay
Pacic Airways and China Airlines against key determinants of nancial risks expo-
sure confronting the airline industry, which include interest-rate, exchange rate and
fuel price risk exposures for the period of January 1996 to December 2011. The study
suggests that exchange rate movements have a substantial impact, compared to the
fuel price and interest rate exposures against the stock price of the analysed airline.
In addition, fuel price, interest rate and exchange rate risks are considered among
the most important risks in the ranking of risks in the airline industry according to IATA
(2017) report.
Thorbecke (2020) investigated the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the stock
market in the US and analyzed the effects of macroeconomic factors such as oil
price, exchange rate, interest rate and ination on stocks. As a result of the regres-
sion analysis, it was determined that airline stock prices were driven by idiosyncratic
factors rather than macroeconomic factors.
According to Horobet et al. (2022) in their work, this study explores the impact of oil
price volatility on the stock returns of global airlines, with a focus on the long and
short-term effects of oil price risk on the airline industry. The authors use a macroeco-
nomic framework to analyze various risk factors and employ a panel ARDL model and
PMG estimator to estimate long-term and short-term coefcients for the relationship
between variables. The study nds that oil price volatility has a signicant and nega-
tive impact on airlines’ stock returns, and this impact has particularities when the long
versus short-run perspective is considered. The authors suggest that investors and
stakeholders in the airline industry need to be aware of the potential risks associated
with oil price uctuations and consider them when valuing companies in the stock
market. The study also highlights the need for airline companies to rethink their op-
erational and nancial policies to cope with the challenges posed by oil price volatility,
particularly in the post-pandemic world.
Apart from these studies, there are several studies (Samunderu et al., 2023; Wang
and Gao, 2020; Kang et al., 2021; Felix et al., 2023; Atems, 2021) investigating the
effect of oil price volatility on stock returns in airline companies. Most studies have
found that oil prices negatively affect airline stock prices. It is also stated that it is pos-
sible to get rid of the negative effect with the hedging strategy.
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Within the scope of the literature on the airline industry, it has been observed that oil
price, exchange rate and interest rate variables have signicant relationships with
stock prices in the context of macroeconomic factors. Three studies (Loudon (2004);
Tsai (2008) and Yashodha et al. (2016)) related to macroeconomic factors affecting
the stock prices of airlines were reached. Fernando (2006) and Puncreobutr and So-
waros (2016) determined risk factors in airlines. Examining the literature, there are a
few studies examining the relationship of macroeconomic factors with the stock prices
of airlines. Therefore, further research is needed. There are several studies on the
airline sector. In most of these studies, a few (2-3) airline companies were examined
in the research sample. In this study, 14 airline companies were analysed. In addition,
Toda-Yamamato (1995) causality test and Hatemi-J (2012) asymmetric causality test
are used in the study. Finally, another point that distinguishes the study from similar
studies is that a wide period (2009-2018) is analysed by using daily data. Thus, it is
aimed to obtain more reliable results.
2. Research Methodolgy
The subject of this study is the mutual nancial relations of airlines’ stock prices and
macroeconomic factors. In this context, the main purpose of the study is to determine
the macroeconomic factors that affect the stock prices of airlines. Many studies in dif-
ferent sectors have examined the relationship between macroeconomic factors and
stock price and proved the relationship. There are several studies examining this
relationship in the airline industry (Loudon, 2004; Fernando, 2006; Tsai, 2008; Pun-
creobutr and Sowaros (2016); Yashodha (2016)). In most of these studies, research
sample was composed of a few (2-3) airlines. In this study, 14 airlines were examined.
Therefore, it is thought that it will make great contributions to the literature. Another
contribution of this study to the literature is that the Toda-Yamamato (1995) causality
test and the Hatemi-J (2012) asymmetric causality test were used together. In addi-
tion, another aspect that distinguishes the study from similar studies is the considera-
tion of a wide period (2009-2018) using daily data. Thus, it is aimed to obtain better
The study has three main research questions: (i) What is the impact of exchange rate
changes on global airlines’ stock returns? (ii) What is the impact of changes in oil
prices on global airlines’ stock returns? (iii) What is the impact of interest rate changes
on global airlines’ stock returns? However, is there a signicant difference between
symmetrical and asymmetrical macroeconomic effects? The hypothesis of this study
is that macroeconomic factors (exchange rate, oil price and interest rate) have a sig-
nicant and negative effect on stock returns
In this study, factors affecting airline stock prices were examined. 14 airlines whose
nancial data showed continuity in the period 2009-2018 were included in the study.
Stock price of airlines and macroeconomic data included in the sample were obtained
from the Thomson Reuters Datastream. In the analysis, the VAR model will be esti-
mated and dynamic relationships will be analyzed with Toda and Yamamoto (1995)
causality analysis and Hatemi-J (2012) asymmetric causality analysis.
Toda-Yamamoto causality test, as in traditional causality tests (Granger causality test,
etc.), without depending on cointegration condition (Erbaykal and Okuyan, 2007),
causality can be established and causality analysis with VAR model regardless of
whether the series is stationary or not. It is a test that minimizes the risks that can be
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made and that the series can be wrongly evaluated due to integration (Mavrotas and
Kelly, 2001).
Toda and Yamamoto (1995) causality test is carried out through the Vector Autore-
gressive (VAR) model, which includes the level values of the variables. By deter-
mining the optimal lag length (p) of the VAR model and the maximum degree of
integration (dmax), which is the highest stationarity level of the variables, the VAR
(p+dmax) system is estimated by SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regression) method.
Then, it is decided to determine the causality with the MWALD test whether the co-
efcients of the p lags in the VAR (p+dmax) system are equal to zero as a group.
(Tandoğan and Genç, 2016). The rejection of the Ho hypothesis, which was estab-
lished as the coefcients are equal to zero as a group, shows that there is a causality
relationship. In the causality analysis between the stock prices of the airlines and the
macroeconomic indicators, logaritms of the stock prices of the companies (LASP), the
currency value of the countries against the dollar (LDER), the brent oil price (LBOP)
and the 10-year bond interest rates (LFAIZ) of the countries were used. Binary VAR
systems consisting of LASP and LDER, LBOP and LFAIZ variables are shown in
equations (4.1), (4.2), (4.3), (4.4), (4.5) and (4.6):
p VAR represents the number of lags in the VAR model, and p+d represents the maxi-
mum degree of integration of the variables included in the model. The basic idea of
this approach is to increase the number of lags in the VAR model by the maximum de-
gree of integration of the variables entering the model (Erbaykal and Okuyan, 2007).
Causality tests, which are frequently used in the literature (Granger, 1969; Hsiao,
1981; Sims, 1972; Hacker and Hatemi, 2006; Toda and Yamamoto, 1995) have cau-
sality results by ignoring positive and negative shocks between the series. Hatemi-J
(2012) asymmetric causality test focuses on the relationship between positive and
negative shocks between series. It was rst suggested by Granger and Yoon (2002)
that this relationship may differ from the relationship between variables. On the other
hand, Hatemi-J (2012) developed the Granger and Yoon (2002) method for causality
analysis. In summary, in the Hatemi-J (2012) asymmetric causality test, it is aimed
to observe the different causal effects of positive and negative shocks and to nd the
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hidden structure that will allow for the development of foresight for the future (Yılancı
& Bozoklu, 2014; Contuk & Güngör, 2016).
In the Hatemi-J causality and Toda-Yamamoto causality tests, analyzes are per-
formed by considering the level values of the series. In the Toda-Yamamoto causal-
ity test, symmetrically relationships are analyzed, while in the Hatemi-J causal test,
asymmetric relationships are analyzed. With the Hatemi-J causality analysis method,
it is possible to test whether an increase in one dependent or independent variable
causes an increase/decrease in another variable and/or whether a decrease in any
variable causes a decrease/increase in another variable by separating the positive
and negative shocks of the series (Büberkökü and Şahmaroğlu, 2016).
In the study, independent variables determining stock prices were selected from mac-
roeconomic variables used in the literature. In this context, Brent oil price, interest
rates, and exchange rates were used as independent variables. All variables in the
study were normalized by taking their natural logarithms. Details about the variables
used in the study are listed in Table 1. Stock price of airlines and macroeconomic data
included in the sample were obtained from the Thomson Reuters Datastream.
Table 1. Details About Variables
Variables Symbol Measurement Indicator Measurment Method
Variables LASP Airlines Stock Price Reel Stock Price
LBOP Brent Oil Price Reel Brent Oil Price
LDER Dolar Exchange Rate
Exchange Rate Between the Currency
of the Countries and the US Dollar (Ex:
LIR Interest Rate 10-Year Bond Interest Rates of
As a result of the literature review, it is desired to examine the relationship between
the variables in Table 1 above. The hypothesis regarding the related variables is as
Ho: There is a relationship between macroeconomic indicators (dollar exchange rate,
oil price and interest rate) and stock prices.
H1: There is no relationship between macroeconomic indicators (dollar exchange
rate, oil price and interest rate) and stock prices.
Using the data of this study, the relationship between the stock prices of the airlines
and the macroeconomic factors was investigated using the daily data between 2009
and 2018, and the dynamic relationship between stock price, Dollar exchange rate,
Brent oil price and Interest rate was examined. In the study, the model was estab-
lished by taking the logarithm of all variables. In the analysis, the VAR model will
be estimated and dynamic relationships will be analyzed with Toda and Yamamoto
(1995) causality analysis and Hatemi-J (2012) asymmetric causality analysis.
In order to achieve more accurate causality results in the Toda-Yamamoto causality
test, it is necessary to correctly determine the delay length and maximum integration
level of the variables in the established model. In the study, the integration levels of
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the series were determined using the Augmented Dickey Fuller unit root test. Delay
length of series was determined using SC, HQ, FPE, LR and ACI information criteria.
When the series of all airline companies are examined according to the unit root test
results, it has been determined that the independent variables are not stationary at
the level, and they become stationary when the rst difference of the series is taken2.
In the Toda-Yamamoto causality test, the series are included in the analysis without
the need to make them stationary. This allows series of variables to have more in-
formation and thus obtain better results from analysis (Çil Yavuz, 2006, p. 169). In
Hatemi-J (2012) asymmetric causality analysis, the analysis was performed by taking
the rst differences of the variables. The study rstly gives the results of the Toda-
Yamamoto (1995) causality test. Only signicant relationships are shown in the table.
All Toda-Yamamoto Causality Analyzes are annex.
Table 2. Toda-Yamamoto Causality Analysis
Airlines Direction of Causality x2Stat Var (p+d) Probability
United Airlines LASP LDER* 5.454473 2+1 0.0654
Turkish Airlines
LDER LASP 23.00338 5+1 0.0003
LBOP LASP 12.72166 5+1 0.0261
LASP LIR 12.28137 5+1 0.0311
LASP LDER* 4.613838 2+1 0.0996
LDER LASP 14.28926 2+1 0.0008
Qantas Airways
LDER LASP* 19.15354 11+2 0.0584
LBOP LASP 22.47271 11+2 0.021
LDER LASP 12.08459 4+1 0.0167
LASP LBOP* 9.412552 4+1 0.0516
LBOP LASP 14.71976 4+1 0.0053
LASP LIR 10.41648 4+1 0.034
Air China
LDER LASP 8.574296 2+1 0.0137
LBOP LASP 11.20648 2+1 0.0037
Aeroot LDER LASP 22.90321 10+2 0.0111
Air Canada LBOP LASP 8.734665 2+1 0.0127
2 Related unit root test results are included in the annex-4
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Airlines Direction of Causality x2Stat Var (p+d) Probability
LDER LASP 11.57768 2+1 0.0031
LIR LASP 7.755625 2+1 0.0207
Gol Linhas
LDER LASP 9.666582 2+1 0.008
JetBlue No signicant result could be reached.
LASP LDER 4.622919 2+1 0.0991
LDER LASP 5.914692 2+1 0.052
LASP LBOP 7.848946 2+1 0.0198
LBOP LASP* 5.423005 2+1 0.0664
Westjet LBOP LASP* 13.0928 8+1 0.0987
Note1: The sign indicates the null hypothesis that there is no causality. In the estimated VAR
model, different lag lengths (p) were used, which were determined as the most appropriate accord-
ing to LR, FPE, ACI, SC and HQ criteria. Note 2: The causalities marked with * are those at the 10%
signicance level.
In order to investigate the causality relationship between stock price and macroeco-
nomic (brent oil, interest, dollar exchange rate) variables, a Toda Yamamoto (1995)
causality test was performed for all airlines separately, and the ndings are shown in
Table 3. Analysis comments were made by evaluating all airlines together. A holistic
causality interpretation was made in the context of the variable.
As a result of the analysis of the relationship between the dollar exchange rate varia-
ble (LDER) and the stock price variable (LASP), it was found that the dollar exchange
rate was the cause of the stock prices for 9 airlines (Turkish Airlines, Singapore Air-
lines, Qantas Airways, Lufthansa Airlines, Air China, Aeroot, Easyjet, Gol Linhas
Aeras and Norwegian). It has been observed that there is bidirectional causality for
Norwegian and Singapore Airlines. Accordingly, changes in exchange rate can have
a signicant impact on the stock prices of airlines.
As a result of the analysis of the relationship between the Brent oil price variable
(LBOP) and stock price variable (LASP), it was found that the Brent oil price variable
was the cause of the stock prices for 7 airlines (Turkish Airlines, Qantas Airways,
Lufthansa Airlines, Air China, Air Canada, Westjet, and Southwest). It has been ob-
served that there is a bidirectional causality relationship for Southwest and Lufthansa
Airlines. In this context, changes in brent oil prices could have signicant effects on
airline stock prices.
As a result of the analysis of the relationship between the 10-year bond interest rate
variable (LFAIZ) and the stock price variable (LASP), it has been determined that the
interest rate variable is the cause of the stock price variable in only 1 airline (Easyjet).
Accordingly, we can say that interest rates do not have a signicant impact on airline
stock prices.
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Examining asymmetric causality in cases where symmetric causality cannot be ex-
plained is important in terms of revealing possible relationships between variables.
Hatemi-J (2012) asymmetric causality test ndings are given in Table 4. In Table 4,
only the ndings (variables) with causality are given. All asymmetric causality test
results are included in the annex.
Table 3. Hatemi-J (2012) Asymmetric Causality Test Results
Hatemi-J (2012) Asymmetric Causality Analysis
Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
United Airlines
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 3.777* 7,089 3,952 2,751
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 5.525** 6,934 3.88 2,754
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 5.089** 6,805 4,001 2,839
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 4.109** 6,847 3,886 2,785
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 4.932** 7,149 4,033 2.68
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 3.777* 7,131 4,027 2,728
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 4.109** 6,847 3,886 2,785
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 4.932** 7,149 4,033 2.68
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 5.641** 6,505 3,846 26,330
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 37.128*** 9,482 6,016 4,679
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 13.245*** 6,607 3,968 2.68
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 4.509** 4.51 3,842 2,753
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 15.025*** 13,804 9,569 7,864
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 13.368** 14,051 9,456 7,645
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 19.144*** 9,954 6,128 4,726
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 7.235* 15,147 9,597 7,736
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 22.330*** 9,948 43,714 4,562
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 13.059** 13,317 8,061 6,406
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 3.539* 6,819 3,892 2,758
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 8.135*** 6,914 3,957 2,765
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 2.931* 6.96 3.86 2,657
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 3.799** 7,161 3,804 2,596
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 2.838* 8,253 3,594 2,339
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Hatemi-J (2012) Asymmetric Causality Analysis
Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 2.786* 8,417 3.56 2,393
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 22.021*** 9,002 5,961 4,582
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 24.621*** 15,124 9,745 7,806
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 8.201*** 7,055 3,784 2,762
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 7.392* 14,828 9,466 7,269
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 5.937** 7,137 3,927 2,642
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 3.147* 6,976 35,125 2,728
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 16.062*** 14,578 9,797 7,717
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 4.633** 6,702 4,042 2,771
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 6.181** 6,565 3,785 2,687
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 4.215** 6,541 3,749 2,638
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 2.984* 6,337 3,736 2,682
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 5.383** 6,944 24,532 2,655
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 3.041* 6,871 4.00 2.80
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 20.236*** 11,527 7,776 6,163
Air China
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 2.749* 6,711 3,769 2,661
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 3.226* 6,776 3,821 2,704
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 4.318** 7,038 3,817 2,618
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 3.727* 6,765 3,953 2,762
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 4.155** 6,944 3,676 2,601
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 7.707** 9,567 6,261 4,771
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 5.869* 10,001 5,958 4,491
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 10.903*** 9.72 6,256 4,563
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 2.574* 6,997 3,945 2.53
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 4.612** 7,157 3,862 2,646
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 4.530** 7,036 4,125 2,737
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 34.060*** 26,365 16.97 13,778
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 4.564** 7,634 3,792 2,572
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 7.258*** 7,199 3,603 2,499
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 18.413** 23,567 16,782 13,796
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 3.058* 7,162 3,804 2,623
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 27.380*** 21,663 16,031 13,538
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 41.742*** 24,123 16,821 13,878
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Hatemi-J (2012) Asymmetric Causality Analysis
Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
Air Canada
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 4.318** 6,623 3,955 2,736
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 3.727* 6,765 3,953 2,762
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 4.155** 6,944 3,676 2,601
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 2.766* 6,892 3,821 2,688
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 13.416*** 6,861 3.95 2,753
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 5.312** 6,662 3,938 2,747
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 2.773* 6,663 3,795 2,527
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 10.269*** 6,715 3,622 2,556
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 2.480* 7,263 3,776 2.42
Gol Linhas
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 8.732*** 6,882 3,828 2,641
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 7.050*** 6.91 3.90 2.66
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 6.053** 6,351 3,629 2,611
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 3.979** 6,681 3,915 2,675
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 5.293** 7,185 4,083 2,803
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 3.738* 7.40 3.98 2.76
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 9.698*** 6,923 3,875 2,713
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 2.736* 6,618 3,762 2,681
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 14.209*** 6,321 3,773 2,701
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 2.974* 7,338 3,731 2,664
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 6.998** 7,509 4,223 2,949
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 5.290** 7,198 3,893 2,765
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 4.757** 7,073 4,039 2,781
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 6.329** 7,401 4,053 2,717
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 13.986*** 10,377 6,033 4.48
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 8.513** 9,511 6,006 4.63
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 9.916*** 6,642 3,941 2,702
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 12.904*** 6,205 3,576 2,625
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 5.777** 7,076 3,868 2.71
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 5.598* 9.70 6,214 4,547
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Hatemi-J (2012) Asymmetric Causality Analysis
Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 10.894*** 7,265 3,892 2.66
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 7.986*** 6,692 3,756 2,727
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 4.616** 7.01 3.77 2.65
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 4.335** 7,075 4,048 2,776
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 47.711*** 15,775 11,199 9,275
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 12.711** 15.78 11,492 9,384
WestJet LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 2.521* 7,438 3,621 2,391
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 7.184*** 68,616 3,957 2,807
Note: The sign indicates the null hypothesis of no causality. *,** and *** values indicate that the
test statistic is signicant at 10%, 5% and 1% signicance levels, respectively. The optimal lag
length was decided according to the HJC information criterion. Bootstrap count is 10,000
Hatemi-J (2012) asymmetric causality test was applied to all airlines in order to in-
vestigate the causality relationship between stock price and macroeconomic (brent
oil price, interest rate, dollar exchange rate) variables, and the ndings are shown in
Table 5.7. Analysis comments were made by evaluating all airlines together. A holistic
causality interpretation was made in the context of the variable.
According to the test results on the dollar exchange rate, a causality relationship be-
tween negative shocks in the dollar rate and positive shocks in the stock price was de-
termined for 8 Airlines (United Arlines, Singapore, Aeroot, Easyjet, Gol Linhas Aeras,
Jetblue, Norwegian and Southwest). It has been determined that there is a causality
relationship from positive shocks in the dollar exchange rate to positive shocks in
the stock price for Air China. It was concluded that there is a causality relationship
from positive shocks in the dollar exchange rate to negative shocks in the stock price
for 2 airlines (Turkish Airline, Air China), while there is a causality relationship from
negative shocks in the dollar exchange rate to negative shocks in the stock price for
3 airlines (Singapore, Jetblue and Southwest). Based on the analysis results, there
was a signicant relationship between the dollar exchange rate and the stock price,
regardless of the positive or negative shocks, for 10 airlines. Based on this, it can be
said that there are signicant relationships between the dollar exchange rate and the
stock price, especially negative changes in the dollar exchange rate positively affect
the stock prices in airlines.
According to the ndings on the Brent oil price variable, a causality relationship was
determined from positive shocks in Brent oil prices to positive shocks in stock price
for 6 Airlines (United Airlines, Air China, Air Canada, Easyjet, Jetblue, and Westjet). A
causality relationship was found from negative shocks in Brent oil prices to negative
shocks in stock prices for 5 Airlines (Singapore, Qantas, Air China, Air Canada, and
Southwest). A causality relationship was determined from negative shocks in Brent
oil prices to positive shocks in stock prices for two airlines (Jetblue and Norwegien).
A causality relationship was found from positive shocks in Brent oil prices to negative
shocks in stock prices for 3 airlines (United Airlines, Lufthansa, and Qantas Airways).
Based on the analysis results, there was a signicant relationship between the oil
price and the stock price, regardless of the positive or negative shocks, for 10 airlines.
Artículos • Abdulkadir Alici
Based on this, it can be said that there are signicant relationships between the oil
price and the stock price, especially positive changes in the oil price positively affect
the stock prices in airlines. Similarly, decreasing oil prices negatively affects the share
prices of airlines.
According to the ndings on the interest rate variable, a causality relationship was
determined from positive shocks in interest rate to positive shocks in stock price for 4
Airlines (United Airlines, Air China, Turkish Airlines, and Aeroot). A causality relation-
ship was found from negative shocks in interest rate to negative shocks in stock price
for two airlines (Turkish Airlines and Aeroot). A causality relationship was found from
negative shocks in interest rate to positive shocks in stock price for 8 airlines (Turkish
Airlines, Singapore, Qantas Airways, Lufthansa, Jetblue, Qatar Airways, easyJet, and
Southwest). A causality relationship was determined from positive shocks in interest
rate to negative shocks in stock price for 3 airlines (United Airlines, Qatar Airways,
and Southwest). Based on the analysis results, there was a signicant relationship
between the interest rate and the stock price, regardless of the positive or negative
shocks, for 10 airlines. Based on this, it can be said that there are signicant relation-
ships between the exchange rate and the stock price, especially negative changes in
the dollar exchange rate positively affect the stock prices in airlines.
According to the results of Toda and Yomamato (1995) causality test, it was found
that there was a signicant relationship between variables of the dollar exchange rate
and oil price and stock prices of airlines. A signicant relationship was not determined
between interest rate and stock price, except for one airline.
According to the Hatemi-J (2012) asymmetric causality test results, signicant rela-
tionships were determined between variables of the dollar rate, oil price, and interest
rate and stock prices of airlines. According to the results of the asymmetric causality
test, in particular, decreasing the dollar rate, increasing Brent oil prices, and decreas-
ing interest rates positively affect the stock prices of airlines.
The subject of this study is the mutual nancial relations of airlines’ stock prices and
macroeconomic factors. In this context, the main purpose of the study is to determine
the macroeconomic factors that affect the stock prices of airlines.
The change in stock prices and the development of the market vary depending on the
decisions taken by investors. The decisions taken by the investors are determined
according to the performance of the enterprises, the economic situation of the coun-
try, political developments and changes in macroeconomic factors. Determining what
these factors are and revealing their power to inuence stock prices is extremely
important for the formation of prices and investment decisions. In this direction, three
macroeconomic factors that may have a high impact on stock prices of airlines have
been studied. These are the Brent oil price, dollar exchange rate and interest rate.
In application, the relationship between the daily macroeconomic data of 14 airlines
covering the years 2009-2018 and the stock prices of airlines was analyzed with the
Toda Yomamato causality and Hatemi-J asymmetric causality tests, and signicant
relationships were determined regarding the macroeconomic factors determining the
stock prices.
According to the results of Toda and Yomamato (1995) causality test, it was found
that there was a signicant relationship between variables of the dollar exchange rate
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and oil price and stock prices of airlines. A signicant relationship was not determined
between interest rate and stock price, except for one airline. According to the results
of Hatemi-J (2012) asymmetric causality test, it was found that there were signicant
relationships between variables of the dollar exchange rate, oil price, and interest
rate, and airline stock prices.
According to the results of both causal analyses, it can be said that there are signi-
cant relationships between the DER variable and the stock price, especially negative
changes in the dollar exchange rate positively affect the stock prices in airlines. It is
understood that uctuations in the exchange rates are reected in the stock price of
airlines. As a result of the analysis, it was found that falls in the dollar exchange rate
in 8 airlines led to an increase in stock prices. The result conrms the theory of the
inverse relationship between the exchange rate and the stock price. Given the impact
of exchange rate changes on the stock price, hedging strategies can be used more
effectively to optimize the costs caused by exchange rates. Countries with high import
rates, especially those that import with foreign currency, are very affected by uctua-
tions in the exchange rate. In this context, most of the airlines buy jet fuels in dollar.
The increase in the dollar exchange rate indirectly increases the cost of jet fuels. In
the opposite case (a decrease in the dollar exchange rate), fuel costs decrease. De-
creasing jet fuel costs will have a positive impact on nancial performance. The result
of the analysis conrms the thesis.
According to the results of both causal analyses, it was found that there were signi-
cant relationships between the BOP variable and the stock price. In line with the hy-
pothesis, 5 airlines have been identied that the increase or decrease in oil prices is
inversely related to stock prices. But contrary to this conclusion and inconsistent with
the theory, 9 airlines have been identied that the increase or decrease in oil prices
is directly related to stock prices. According to these two results, it was observed
that changes in oil prices affect stock prices differently. According to the rst result,
5 airlines can minimize the increase in fuel costs by implementing effective hedging
strategies or operating fuel-efcient aircraft. According to the second result, the exist-
ence of a linear relationship between oil prices and stock price indicates that 9 airlines
effectively implement hedging strategies and/or control fuel costs. Studies (Carter et
al., 2006; Morrell and Swan, 2006; Treanor et al. 2014 and Hanninen, 2017) on the
efciency of fuel hedging strategy support this. Further studies may elaborate on the
fuel hedging performance of these 9 airlines.
According to the results of the Hatemi-J asymmetric causality test, it was determined
that the interest variable is the cause of stock prices. In line with the hypothesis,
a causality relationship from negative shocks in interest rates to positive shocks in
stock prices was found for 8 airlines. In summary, it can be said that the share price
of airlines increases when interest rates fall. This result is also consistent with the
theory. Reductions in interest rates can also increase liquidity, as well as reduce inter-
est expenses of airlines. At the same time, with a decrease in interest rates, airline
companies can benet from cheap loans. The availability of cheap credit positively af-
fects protability and stock value. Financing aircraft purchase is the biggest nancial
burden for airlines. Airlines borrow heavily during the purchase or leasing of aircraft.
As a result of decreasing interest rates, capital costs will also fall, and as a result,
airlines’ stock prices will increase.
As a result of the analysis, the result that negative changes in the dollar exchange
rate positively affect the stock prices of airline companies supports the studies in the
literature (Tsai, 2008 and Yashodha, 2016). The result that an increase or decrease in
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oil prices has an inverse relationship with stock prices supports the studies in the lit-
erature (Loudon, 2004; Fernando, 2006 and Tsai, 2008). Finally, the nding that there
is a causality relationship from negative shocks in interest rates to positive shocks in
stock prices is similar to the study in the literature (Tsai, 2008).
In summary, this study; provides evidence of the volatility of oil prices, exchange rate
and interest rate changes on global airlines, both at the rm level and collectively.
There are several policy implications for airlines, practitioners, policy makers and
investors to manage the relevant macroeconomic risks. First, as the importance of
oil prices to the airline industry emerges, airline managers, private and institutional
investors should pursue policy uncertainty, assuming oil price uncertainty is a driving
force in stock returns. However, airlines should review their nancial hedging strate-
gies against fuel price risk. In addition, the innovation and adoption of alternative
fuel technology by the aviation and airline industry can be a successful alternative
to oil price risk. Exchange rate changes and interest rate mismatches always lead to
variable earnings. The results on changes in exchange rate and interest rate indicate
that airlines and related governments should focus on policies that will increase the
growth of the aviation industry. In order to better manage these risks, nancial manag-
ers need to more carefully examine the effects of macroeconomic risk increases and
changes in related stock prices. Finally, it is thought that the ndings obtained as a
result of the study will contribute to the determination of the factors affecting the stock
prices of the airline companies, to determine the variables that determine the invest-
ment decisions and stock prices. In addition, it is thought that it will provide positive
contributions to the nancial performance of airline companies by bringing new solu-
tions to airline companies in the context of maximizing stock prices.
The study has some limitations that will affect the research results. The rst of these
is the limitation in the number of samples, although the sample of the research is the
largest compared to other studies. Another limitation is the frequency and duration
of the statistical data used in the research. Another limitation is the limited number
of independent variables. It is thought that conducting more frequent and long-term
studies with more samples (airline operators) and variables in future studies will yield
more accurate results. In addition, the effectiveness of hedging methods related to
changes in exchange rates and interest rates, especially oil prices, can be measured
by quantitative and qualitative study methods.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: This study was produced from the PhD Thesis named “Analysis
of Factors Affecting Stock Prices in Airline Businesses”.
Conicts of Interest: The author declares no conict of interest.
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Artículos • Abdulkadir Alici
• 113 •
Annex 1: List of Airlines
Airlines Sample
Turkish Airlines Southwest Airlines
United Airlines Easyjet
Air Canada Norwegian
Singapore Airlines GOL Linhas Aeras
Qantas Airlines Westjet
Lufthansa Jetblue
Air China Aeroot
Annex 2: The Relationship Between Macroeconomic Factors
and Stocks (International Literature)
Study Period / Country Method Findings
Aggarwal (1981) USA (1974-1978) Basic Regression
Exchange rate
Stock price
Solnik (1987)
(USA, Japan, Ger-
many, UK, France
Canada etc.)
Multiple linear regres-
sion analysis
Exchange rate (+)
Stock price
Kwan and Shin (1999) South Korea Stock Ex-
change (1980-1992)
Exchange rate
Stock price
Sadorsky (1999) USA (1974-1976) VAR Model Oil price Stock
Nasseh and Strauss
6 European Countires
Interest rate Stock
Papapetrou (2001) Yunanistan
Multiple linear regres-
sion analysis – VAR
Oil price (-) Stock
Wongbangpo and
Sharma (2002)
5 Far Eastern Coun-
tries (1985-1996)
VAR Model-Granger
Cuasality (VECM)
Interest rate and
Exchange rate
Stock price
Gan et al. (2006) New Zeland
VAR Model –Coin-
tegration- Impulse-
Interest rate and
Exchange rate
Stock price
Humpe and Macmillan
(2007) Japon VAR
Interest rate (-)
Stock price
Malik and Hammou-
deh (2007)
USA, Bayrain, Kuwait
and Saudi Arabia
GARCH Model Oil price Stock
Anduli • Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales Nº 25 - 2024
• 114 •
Study Period / Country Method Findings
Ratanapakorn and
Sharma (2007) USA (1975-1999) VAR-Granger
Interest rate (-)
Stock price
Exchange rate (+)
Stock price
Brahmasrene and
Jiranyakul (2008)
Thailand stock market
VAR Model- Cointe-
gration and Granger
Oil price and Ex-
change rate (-)
Stock price
Rey (2008) India VAR Model-Granger
Exchange rate (+)
Stock price
Park and Ratti (2008) USA and13 European
Countries (1986-2005) VAR Model Oil price Stock
Humpe and Macmillan
USA ve Japan Stock
Markets (1968-2008) Regression Analysis Interest rate (-)
Stock price
Arfaoui et al. (2010)
13 developed and
developing countries
Regression ECM
Oil price and Ex-
change rate Stock
Sohail (2010) Pakistan (1991-2008) VAR model
Interest rate (-)
Stock price
Exchange rate (+)
Stock price
Rasiah and Rat-
neswory (2010) Malaysia (1980-2006) Multivariate VAR
Exchange rate (+)
Stock price
Shubita and Al
Sharkas (2010) USA and Japan VAR Model –VECM Interest rate (-)
Stock price
Hsing (2011) Czech stock market
(2001-2009) GARCH Model Interest rate Stock
Kuwornu and Victor
Gana Stock market
Box-Jenkins ve EKK
Regression Model
Interest rate Stock
Exchange rate
Stock price
Oil price Stock
Kavklar and Festic
27 European Coun-
tries (2004-2010)
Model-based recursi-
ve partitioning mod.
Interest rate (-)
Stock price
Exchange rate (+)
Stock price
Aloui et al. (2012) 25 Developing Coun-
tries (1997-2007) Regression model Oil price Stock
Khan and Amanullah
Pakistan Kara-
chi Stock Market
(34 Companies)
Linear Multiple
Interest rate (+)
Stock price
Araori et al. (2012) European Stock
Mrkets VAR-GARCH Oil price Stock
Scholtnes and Yurtse-
ver (2012)
European Area (38
Dynamic VAR and
Linear Multiple
Oil price (-) Stock
Li et al. (2012) China (13 Industry
Indexes) (2001-2010)
Panel Cointegration-
Granger Causality
Oil price (+) Stock
Artículos • Abdulkadir Alici
• 115 •
Study Period / Country Method Findings
Talla (2013) Sweden Linear Multiple
Exchange rate (-)
Stock price
Degiannakis vd.
European industrial
sector (1992-2010) Correlation Method Oil price Stock
Mollick and Assefe
(2013) USA (1999-2011) GARCH
Oil price (-) Stock
price (before 2008)
Oil price (+) Stock
price (after 2008)
Abdelbaki (2013) Bahrain (1990-2007) Autoregressive Dis-
trubed Lag Model
Interest rate Stock
Kabir et al. (2014) Malaysia (1991-2010) VAR- VECM Model
Interest rate Stock
Exchange rate
Stock price
Zhu et al. (2014) Asya-Pacic(10 Ülke)
Conditional and
Unconditional Copula
Oil price Stock
Narayan and Sharma
(2000-2008) GARCH Oil price (-) Stock
Khalfaoi et al. (2015) G-7 Countries
(2003-2012) BEKK -GARCH Oil price Stock
Arshad et al. (2015)
Karaçi (Pakis-
tan) Stock Market
Linear regression
Interest rate (-)
Stock price
Utami et al. (2015)
Indonesian cons-
truction industry
Panel Data Analysis Interest rate (-)
Stock price
Bukulu (2016) Uganda MKB
Multiple regression
Interest rate Stock
Exchange rate
Stock price
Linck and DEcourt
(2016) Brazil (2000-2010) Stepwise multiple
regression analysis
Interest rate Stock
Jareno and Negrut
(2016) USA (2008-2014) Quantile Regression
Interest rate (-)
Stock price
Subing (2017) Indonesian-18 Com-
panies (2008-2015) Panel Data Analysis Oil price (+) Stock
Malik vd. (2018) Pakistan, India and Sri
Lanka (1997-2014) Panel GMM Approach Exchange rate (+)
Stock price
Chandrosheker et al.
India and Brazil
(2000-2016) Panel Data Analysis Exchange rate (+)
Stock price
Anduli • Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales Nº 25 - 2024
• 116 •
Annex 3: The Relationship Between Macroeconomic Factors
and Stocks (National Literature)
Study Period / Country Method Findings
Durukan (1999) BIST100 (1986-1998)
Percentage change
model and natural
Interest rate Stock
Albeni and Demir
ISE Financial Industry
Multiple regression
Interest rate Stock
Exchange rate
Stock price
Yılmaz et al. (2006) ISE (1990-2003) EKK, VEC Model
Interest rate Stock
Exchange rate
Stock price
Gençtürk (2009) ISE (1992-1996) Multiple linear regres-
sion analysis
Interest rate Stock
Exchange rate
Stock price
Süslü (2010) 11 Developing Counti-
res (1999-2006) Panel data analysis
Interest rate Stock
Exchange rate
Stock price
Oil price Stock
İşçan (2010) BIST100 (2001-2009) VAR Model Oil price Stock price
Sayılgan and Süslü
Developing Countires
Balanced panel data
Exchange rate
Stock price
Büyükşalvarcı and
Abdioğlu (2010) BIST100 (2001-2010) VAR Model – Toda-
Yomamato Causality
Exchange rate
Stock price
Karacaer and
Kapusuzoğlu (2010) BIST100 (2003-2010) VAR – Causality,
Exchange rate
Stock price
Soytaş and Oran
BIST100 Electric
Industry VAR - EGARCH Oil price Stock
Ayaydın and Dağlı
22 Developing
Countries Panel data analysis Exchange rate (+)
Stock price
Öztürk et al. (2013)
BIST100 (Manufac-
turing, Chemistry and
VAR Model Oil price Stock
Şener et al. (2013) BIST100 (2002-2012) VAR Model Oil price Stock
Yıldırım et al. (2014) BIST Industrial
(1991-2013) VAR Model Oil price (+) Stock
Kılıç et al. (2014) BIST Industrial
Gregory Hansen
Dynamic EKK
Oil price (+) Stock
Abdioğlu and
Değirmenci (2014) BIST100 (2005-2013) VAR Model Oil price Stock
Artículos • Abdulkadir Alici
• 117 •
Study Period / Country Method Findings
Doğru (2015) European, MIST and
BRICS (2002-2014) VAR - EGARCH Oil price Stock
Güngör and Kaygın
BIST Manufacturing
Dynamic Panel Data
Exchange rate (+)
Stock price
Oil price (+) Stock
Poyraz and Tepel
(2015) BIST100 (1995-2011) Multiple linear regres-
sion analysis
Exchange rate (-)
Stock price
Interest rate (-)
Stock price
Altınbaş et al. (2015) BIST100 (2003-2012) VAR Model Exchange rate (-)
Stock price
Coşkun and Ümit
(2016) BIST100 (2005-2015) VAR Causality Exchange rate
Stock price
Kendirli and Çankaya
(2009-2015) VAR Model Exchange rate (-)
Stock price
Sancar et al. (2017) BIST100 (2000-2016) DOLS and FMOLS
Exchange rate (-)
Stock price
Sadaghzadeh and
Elmas (2018)
BIST Commercial
(2000-2017) Panel Data Analysis
Exchange rate (-)
Stock price
Interest rate (-)
Stock price
Demir (2019) BIST100 (2003-2017) ARDL Approach
Exchange rate (+)
Stock price
Oil price (-) Stock
Annex 4: Causality Analysis Unit Root Test Results
Airlines Variables
ADF-Test Statistics(1.
Constant Constant
and Trend Constant Constant
and Trend
United Airlines
LASP -1.21397
LIR -2.21632
LDER -1.68376
LBOP -1.54241
Anduli • Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales Nº 25 - 2024
• 118 •
Airlines Variables
ADF-Test Statistics(1.
Constant Constant
and Trend Constant Constant
and Trend
Turkish Airlines
LASP -0.95011
LIR -1.47155
LDER 1.059713
LBOP -1.53399
Singapore Airlines
LASP -2.08937
LIR -2.70664
LDER -1.91305
LBOP -1.54241
Qantas Airways
LASP -0.40951
LIR -1.08131
LDER -2.29739
LBOP -1.54241
Lufthansa Airlines
LASP -1.56446
LIR -1.68779
LDER -1.68343
LBOP -1.54241
Air China
LASP -2.16457
LIR -2.49796
LDER -0.88008
LBOP -1.54241
Artículos • Abdulkadir Alici
• 119 •
Airlines Variables
ADF-Test Statistics(1.
Constant Constant
and Trend Constant Constant
and Trend
LASP -1.59872
LIR -3.7175
LDER -0.43884
LBOP -1.54241
Air Canada
LASP -2.16457
LIR -1.83955
LDER -3.338
LBOP -1.54241
LASP -1.65538
LIR -1.57127
LDER -1.68343
LBOP -1.68343
Gol Linhas Aeras
LASP -1.37094
LIR -0.69097
LDER -0.01738
LBOP -1.54238
LASP -1.00447
LIR -2.21632
LDER -1.68376
LBOP -1.68376
Anduli • Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales Nº 25 - 2024
• 120 •
Airlines Variables
ADF-Test Statistics(1.
Constant Constant
and Trend Constant Constant
and Trend
LASP -2.64129
LIR -7.574
LDER -0.72958
LBOP -1.54238
LASP -0.79693
LIR -2.21632
LDER -1.68376
LBOP -1.54241
LASP -1.6517
LIR -1.83955
LDER -3.338
LBOP -1.54238
Annex 5: Toda-Yomamato Causality Test (All)
Airlines Direction of Causality Var(p+d) Prob.
United Airlines
LASP LDER* 5.454473 2+1 0.0654
LDER LASP 1.614422 2+1 0.4461
LASP LBOP 2.769781 2+1 0.2504
LBOP LASP 1.598040 2+1 0.4498
LASP LIR 0.596795 2+1 0.7420
LIR LASP 0.744436 2+1 0.6892
Artículos • Abdulkadir Alici
• 121 •
Airlines Direction of Causality Var(p+d) Prob.
Turkish Airlines
LASP LDER 3.439227 5+1 0.6326
LDER LASP 23.00338 5+1 0.0003
LASP LBOP 3.273417 5+1 0.6579
LBOP LASP 12.72166 5+1 0.0261
LASP LIR 12.28137 5+1 0.0311
LIR LASP 6.981030 5+1 0.2221
Singapore Airlines
LASP LDER* 4.613838 2+1 0.0996
LDER LASP 14.28926 2+1 0.0008
LASP LBOP 1.979957 2+1 0.3716
LBOP LASP 0.920073 2+1 0.6313
LASP LIR 0.099344 2+1 0.9515
LIR LASP 1.564555 2+1 0.4574
Qantas Airways
LASP LDER 9.586351 11+2 0.5679
LDER LASP 19.15354 11+2 0.0584
LASP LBOP 10.48858 11+2 0.4870
LBOP LASP 22.47271 11+2 0.0210
LASP LIR 9.957297 11+2 0.5342
LIR LASP 14.72919 11+2 0.1952
Lufthansa Airlines
LASP LDER 3.839486 4+1 0.4282
LDER LASP 12.08459 4+1 0.0167
LASP LBOP 9.412552 4+1 0.0516
LBOP LASP 14.71976 4+1 0.0053
LASP LIR 10.41648 4+1 0.0340
LIR LASP 7.243989 4+1 0.1235
Air China
LASP LDER 0.713048 2+1 0.7001
LDER LASP 8.574296 2+1 0.0137
LASP LBOP 1.456549 2+1 0.4827
LBOP LASP 11.20648 2+1 0.0037
LASP LIR 2.112953 2+1 0.3477
LIR LASP 0.233940 2+1 0.8896
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Airlines Direction of Causality Var(p+d) Prob.
LASP LDER 7.214308 10+2 0.7051
LDER LASP 22.90321 10+2 0.0111
LASP LBOP 12.07843 10+2 0.2798
LBOP LASP 15.54836 10+2 0.1133
LASP LIR 12.57227 10+2 0.2486
LIR LASP 9.418824 10+2 0.4929
Air Canada
LASP LDER 0.475302 2+1 0.7885
LDER LASP 1.7763 2+1 0.4114
LASP LBOP 1.236906 2+1 0.5388
LBOP LASP 8.734665 2+1 0.0127
LASP LIR 0.400624 2+1 0.8185
LIR LASP 0.190176 2+1 0.9093
LASP LDER 4.017438 2+1 0.1342
LDER LASP 11.57768 2+1 0.0031
LASP LBOP 0.523379 2+1 0.7698
LBOP LASP 2.419486 2+1 0.2983
LASP LIR 0.307617 2+1 0.8574
LIR LASP 7.755625 2+1 0.0207
Gol Linhas Aeras
LASP LDER 0.930101 2+1 0.6281
LDER LASP 9.666582 2+1 0.008
LASP LBOP 1.90757 2+1 0.3853
LBOP LASP 0.524288 2+1 0.7694
LASP LIR 0.986156 2+1 0.6107
LIR LASP 1.387106 2+1 0.4998
LASP LDER 4.138988 2+1 0.1262
LDER LASP 0.238096 2+1 0.295
LASP LBOP 1.459149 2+1 0.4821
LBOP LASP 1.668923 2+1 0.8878
LASP LIR 2.402695 2+1 0.3008
LIR LASP 2.441567 2+1 0.295
Artículos • Abdulkadir Alici
• 123 •
Airlines Direction of Causality Var(p+d) Prob.
LASP LDER* 4.622919 2+1 0.0991
LDER LASP 5.914692 2+1 0.052
LASP LBOP 0.691067 2+1 0.7078
LBOP LASP 1.673395 2+1 0.4331
LASP LIR 0.384805 2+1 0.825
LIR LASP 0.373598 2+1 0.8296
LASP LDER 3.047839 2+1 0.2179
LDER LASP 1.577901 2+1 0.4543
LASP LBOP 7.848946 2+1 0.0198
LBOP LASP* 5.423005 2+1 0.0664
LASP LIR 0.781822 2+1 0.6764
LIR LASP 2.90079 2+1 0.2345
LASP LDER 5.316777 8+1 0.7232
LDER LASP 5.195281 8+1 0.7365
LASP LBOP 8.260785 8+1 0.4084
LBOP LASP* 13.0928 8+1 0.1087
LASP LIR 6.810396 8+1 0.5572
LIR LASP 3.557818 8+1 0.8947
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• 124 •
Annex 6: Hatemi-J (2012) Asymmetric Causality Analysis Results (All)
Hatemi-J (2012) Asymmetric Causality Analysis
Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
United Airlines
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 1.504 6.73 3.921 2.736
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 3.777* 7.089 3.952 2.751
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 0.139 6.469 3.83 2.631
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 0.020 6.585 3.854 2.699
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.252 6.874 3.884 2.729
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 1.628 6.848 3.822 2.564
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 5.525** 6.934 3.88 2.754
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 1.171 6.763 3.845 2.713
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 1.801 6.378 3.786 2.543
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 1.191 6.323 4.112 2.738
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 5.089** 6.805 4.001 2.839
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 0.135 7.351 3.664 2.708
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 4.109** 6.847 3.886 2.785
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 1.349 6.838 3.837 2.656
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 1.196 6.958 3.868 2.745
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 4.932** 7.149 4.033 2.68
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 1.504 6.969 3.894 2.707
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 3.777* 7.131 4.027 2.728
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 0.139 6.727 3.845 2.625
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 1.000 6.73 4.007 2.647
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 4.109** 6.847 3.886 2.785
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 1.349 6.838 3.837 2.656
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 1.196 6.958 3.868 2.745
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 4.932** 7.149 4.033 2.68
Artículos • Abdulkadir Alici
• 125 •
Hatemi-J (2012) Asymmetric Causality Analysis
Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
Turkish Airlines
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 5.641** 6.505 3.846 2.72
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 37.128*** 9.482 6.016 4.679
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 0.772 6.371 3.765 2.677
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 0.087 6.261 3.734 2.642
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 1.796 6.131 3.843 2.609
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 0.002 9.725 6.053 4.61
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 0.135 6.518 3.814 2.794
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 13.245*** 6.607 3.968 2.68
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 1.289 6.719 3.803 2.655
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 4.509** 6.92 3.842 2.753
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 0.271 7.035 4.138 2.887
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 1.235 6.83 3.902 2.776
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.158 6.762 3.927 2.818
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 0.495 6.577 3.827 2.657
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 0.054 6.811 3.932 2.719
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 0.547 6.253 3.758 2.738
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 15.025*** 13.804 9.569 7.864
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 1.159 10.819 5.98 4.494
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 1.278 7.474 3.821 2.76
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 0.000 6.343 3.732 2.624
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 13.368** 14.051 9.456 7.645
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 19.144*** 9.954 6.128 4.726
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 7.235* 15.147 9.597 7.736
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 6.980 13.879 9.568 7.682
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Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
Singapore Airlines
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 1.955 6.699 3.805 2.726
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 22.330*** 9.948 6.09 4.562
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 0.558 6.906 3.748 2.665
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 0.131 7.219 3.861 2.716
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.000 6.755 3.824 2.813
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 13.059** 13.317 8.061 6.406
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 3.539* 6.819 3.892 2.758
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 1.314 7.57 3.918 2.636
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 8.135*** 6.914 3.957 2.765
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 2.931* 6.96 3.86 2.657
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 0.736 6.666 3.891 2.741
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 0.825 6.85 3.835 2.705
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 1.830 6.595 3.797 2.657
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 3.799** 7.161 3.804 2.596
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 0.401 6.918 3.827 2.672
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 0.162 7.218 4.016 2.695
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 0.952 9.153 3.733 2.47
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 0.815 8.329 3.594 2.336
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 1.669 8.891 3.751 2.533
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 0.019 7.786 3.585 2.485
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.974 8.595 3.869 2.47
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 1.903 8.222 3.49 2.294
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 2.838* 8.253 3.594 2.339
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 0.234 8.43 3.397 2.275
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Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
Qantas Airways
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 0.034 8.023 3.545 2.382
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 1.299 11.699 3.319 2.033
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 2.786* 8.417 3.56 2.393
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 0.315 9.035 3.773 2.514
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.059 8.769 3.605 2.532
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 0.027 11.871 3.225 2.116
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 0.185 12.695 3.257 2.08
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 0.246 13.115 3.629 2.204
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 22.021*** 9.002 5.961 4.582
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 24.621*** 15.124 9.745 7.806
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 8.201*** 7.055 3.784 2.762
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 2.008 6.892 3.868 2.698
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 1.935 9.505 6.034 4.632
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 7.392* 14.828 9.466 7.269
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 0.033 7.368 3.871 2.743
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 5.937** 7.137 3.927 2.642
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 3.147* 6.976 3.96 2.728
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 0.732 7.25 3.993 2.728
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 0.178 6.853 3.998 2.792
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 0.007 6.652 3.895 2.756
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.632 6.784 3.749 2.66
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 0.000 6.941 3.849 2.654
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 16.062*** 14.578 9.797 7.717
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 4.388 14.178 9.79 7.783
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Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
Lufthansa Airlines
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 0.322 6.779 3.731 2.607
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 4.633** 6.702 4.042 2.771
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 6.181** 6.565 3.785 2.687
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 4.215** 6.541 3.749 2.638
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.935 6.541 3.875 2.685
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 0.181 6.864 3.92 2.778
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 1.715 6.597 3.796 2.688
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 1.856 6.718 3.821 2.605
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 0.151 6.755 3.901 2.704
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 0.930 6.923 3.946 2.766
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 2.984* 6.337 3.736 2.682
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 1.161 6.88 3.893 2.674
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.278 6.708 3.825 2.732
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 1.472 6.622 3.913 2.688
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 0.000 6.696 3.832 2.737
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 5.383** 6.944 3.67 2.655
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 1.272 6.892 3.71 2.635
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 3.041* 6.871 4 2.8
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 0.361 6.548 3.871 2.726
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 1.210 6.517 3.811 2.717
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.244 6.844 3.854 2.723
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 0.001 6.923 3.993 2.761
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 20.236*** 11.527 7.776 6.163
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 3.904 11.731 7.912 6.392
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Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
Air China
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 0.310 6.937 3.906 2.708
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 0.200 6.857 3.775 2.665
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 0.347 7.238 3.786 2.696
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 0.099 6.518 3.79 2.672
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 2.749* 6.711 3.769 2.661
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 1.316 7.076 3.856 2.732
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 0.833 6.741 3.946 2.699
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 3.226* 6.776 3.821 2.704
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 0.065 6.356 3.721 2.543
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 4.318** 7.038 3.817 2.618
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 0.001 6.925 3.709 2.556
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 1.080 6.897 3.767 2.559
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 3.727* 6.765 3.953 2.762
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 4.155** 6.944 3.676 2.601
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 1.401 6.604 3.75 2.538
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 0.774 6.558 3.801 2.633
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 0.076 9.516 6.162 4.658
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 0.737 9.154 5.981 4.584
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 0.647 9.239 5.935 4.631
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 0.365 9.536 5.82 4.412
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 7.707** 9.567 6.261 4.771
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 1.011 9.833 6.323 4.635
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 2.384 11.152 7.817 6.115
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 2.559 11.05 7.816 6.356
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• 130 •
Hatemi-J (2012) Asymmetric Causality Analysis
Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 0.167 6.933 3.729 2.598
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 5.869* 10.001 5.958 4.491
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 2.727 10.641 6.116 4.634
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 10.903*** 9.72 6.256 4.563
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.737 7.235 3.725 2.706
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 2.363 9.986 6.229 4.647
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 2.574* 6.997 3.945 2.53
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 0.115 6.463 3.903 2.684
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 1.866 6.801 3.924 2.785
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 3.331 9.752 5.997 4.58
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 4.612** 7.157 3.862 2.646
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 4.530** 7.036 4.125 2.737
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.431 6.906 3.695 2.658
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 0.928 10.025 6.073 4.603
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 0.865 9.255 6.047 4.662
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 0.091 9.285 6.07 4.548
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 34.060*** 26.365 16.97 13.778
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 0.039 7.115 3.692 2.591
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 4.564** 7.634 3.792 2.572
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 7.258*** 7.199 3.603 2.499
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 18.413** 23.567 16.782 13.796
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 3.058* 7.162 3.804 2.623
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 27.380*** 21.663 16.031 13.538
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 41.742*** 24.123 16.821 13.878
Artículos • Abdulkadir Alici
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Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
Air Canada
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 0.127 8.021 4.016 2.825
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 0.055 8.023 3.45 2.423
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 1.234 8.658 3.9 2.6
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 0.001 6.696 3.463 2.411
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.032 7.443 3.666 2.5
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 0.973 7.338 3.604 2.497
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 0.166 7.97 3.697 2.548
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 0.576 7.094 3.504 2.443
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 0.065 6.379 3.929 2.637
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 4.318** 6.623 3.955 2.736
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 0.001 6.746 3.742 2.7
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 1.080 6.472 3.576 2.631
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 3.727* 6.765 3.953 2.762
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 4.155** 6.944 3.676 2.601
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 1.401 6.604 3.75 2.538
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 0.774 6.558 3.801 2.633
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 0.240 6.09 3.71 2.748
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 1.360 6.236 4.021 2.597
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 0.919 5.978 3.869 2.558
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 0.513 7.333 3.858 2.692
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 1.127 6.996 3.813 2.639
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 0.067 6.284 3.771 2.701
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 0.418 7.126 4.021 2.812
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 0.015 7.161 3.888 2.735
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 2.766* 6.892 3.821 2.688
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 13.416*** 6.861 3.95 2.753
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Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 1.415 7.012 3.843 2.741
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 0.384 6.993 3.787 2.685
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.153 6.644 3.738 2.623
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 0.008 7.262 3.691 2.649
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 5.312** 6.662 3.938 2.747
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 0.453 6.896 3.892 2.664
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 0.010 6.882 3.785 2.601
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 2.773* 6.663 3.795 2.527
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 0.243 6.725 3.742 2.603
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 0.765 6.646 3.789 2.536
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 10.269*** 6.715 3.622 2.556
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 2.224 7.467 3.802 2.652
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 0.021 6.718 3.889 2.676
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 0.001 7.702 3.892 2.77
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 0.230 6.892 3.69 2.628
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 1.191 6.555 3.681 2.624
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 1.869 6.693 3.813 2.703
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 0.028 6.954 3.861 2.677
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 1.725 6.295 3.788 2.639
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 1.292 6.591 3.859 2.677
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 2.480* 7.263 3.776 2.42
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 0.026 6.67 3.819 2.682
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 1.230 6.609 3.793 2.65
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 8.732*** 6.882 3.828 2.641
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Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
Gol Linhas Aeras
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 0.264 6.886 3.757 2.617
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 7.050*** 6.91 3.9 2.66
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 1.133 6.974 3.822 2.665
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 0.247 7.005 3.886 2.699
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 6.053** 6.351 3.629 2.611
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 0.004 6.943 3.836 2.729
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 0.249 7.051 4.031 2.743
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 1.025 6.508 3.683 2.633
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 3.979** 6.681 3.915 2.675
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 0.050 6.769 3.795 2.746
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.282 6.75 3.939 2.7
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 0.624 7.088 3.741 2.542
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 0.420 7.097 4.011 2.82
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 0.573 7.126 4.015 2.672
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 0.440 6.559 3.864 2.705
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 0.014 6.786 3.817 2.658
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 0.148 7.018 3.711 2.633
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 5.293** 7.185 4.083 2.803
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 3.738* 7.4 3.98 2.761
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 0.323 7.103 3.673 2.592
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 2.047 6.885 3.746 2.643
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 0.011 6.689 3.79 2.721
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 1.058 7.034 3.974 2.745
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 9.698*** 6.923 3.875 2.713
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Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 1.126 6.718 3.797 2.73
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 0.394 6.468 3.979 2.857
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.396 6.469 3.803 2.636
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 2.736* 6.618 3.762 2.681
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 14.209*** 6.321 3.773 2.701
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 0.998 6.408 3.791 2.627
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 2.974* 7.338 3.731 2.664
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 1.353 6.889 3.897 2.774
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 6.998** 7.509 4.223 2.949
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 0.184 6.872 3.903 2.746
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 5.290** 7.198 3.893 2.765
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 0.885 6.877 3.757 2.523
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 4.757** 7.073 4.039 2.781
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 0.546 6.831 3.717 2.626
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 2.241 6.956 3.866 2.735
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 6.329** 7.401 4.053 2.717
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 13.986*** 10.377 6.033 4.48
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 8.513** 9.511 6.006 4.63
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.219 6.588 3.947 2.738
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 0.605 6.358 3.851 2.66
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 9.916*** 6.642 3.941 2.702
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 0.470 6.821 3.864 2.647
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 0.678 6.803 4.035 2.79
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 12.904*** 6.205 3.576 2.625
Artículos • Abdulkadir Alici
• 135 •
Hatemi-J (2012) Asymmetric Causality Analysis
Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 0.078 6.95 3.862 2.713
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 0.000 6.37 3.762 2.647
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.265 7.092 3.889 2.737
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 0.653 6.599 3.92 2.668
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 5.777** 7.076 3.868 2.71
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 1.102 7.022 3.87 2.76
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 1.880 9.348 5.934 4.65
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 0.572 6.313 3.798 2.611
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 1.229 6.546 3.982 2.765
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 0.791 7.043 3.896 2.739
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 2.573 9.575 6.015 4.566
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 1.026 6.731 3.882 2.746
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 5.598* 9.7 6.214 4.547
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 2.480 9.616 6.06 4.627
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 0.006 11.589 4.046 3.232
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 0.455 10.053 4.231 2.328
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 0.514 8.522 4.024 2.306
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 0.200 11.562 4.437 2.412
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.409 10.726 3.94 2.146
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 0.374 10.032 4.102 2.395
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 0.346 11.095 4.003 2.361
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 0.421 11.647 4.162 2.412
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 0.022 6.899 3.973 2.763
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 1.249 6.228 3.56 2.54
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Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 0.511 6.238 3.69 2.608
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 1.899 7.371 3.83 2.659
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.525 6.748 3.844 2.69
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 10.894*** 7.265 3.892 2.66
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 7.986*** 6.692 3.756 2.727
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 0.332 6.697 3.827 2.704
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 0.241 6.826 3.714 2.623
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 1.159 7.188 3.756 2.657
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 4.616** 7.01 3.77 2.645
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 0.014 6.869 3.845 2.793
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.886 7.579 4.062 2.788
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 4.335** 7.075 4.048 2.776
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 1.843 7.557 4.073 2.74
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 2.259 6.754 3.657 2.663
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 1.342 7.045 3.925 2.714
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 1.334 6.904 3.659 2.645
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 0.143 6.712 3.807 2.652
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 0.643 7.03 3.756 2.605
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 0.031 7.05 3.948 2.716
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 0.096 6.843 3.658 2.567
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 47.711*** 15.775 11.199 9.275
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 12.711** 15.78 11.492 9.384
LASP+ ≠ > LDER+ 2.521* 7.438 3.621 2.391
LASP- ≠ > LDER- 0.018 7.28 3.593 2.473
Artículos • Abdulkadir Alici
• 137 •
Hatemi-J (2012) Asymmetric Causality Analysis
Airlines Direction of Causality Wald Stat. Critical Bootstrap Value
1% 5% 10%
LASP- ≠ > LDER+ 0.050 8.213 3.671 2.525
LASP+ ≠ > LDER- 0.017 8.411 3.61 2.552
LDER+ ≠ > LASP+ 1.431 8.542 3.604 2.5
LDER- ≠ > LASP- 1.829 6.908 3.604 2.488
LDER- ≠ > LASP+ 0.374 7.537 3.761 2.513
LDER+ ≠ > LASP- 0.067 7.946 3.606 2.457
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP+ 0.011 6.656 4.043 2.717
LASP- ≠ > LBOP- 0.034 7.096 4.014 2.888
LASP- ≠ > LBOP+ 0.311 6.566 3.736 2.62
LASP+ ≠ > LBOP- 0.019 6.87 3.819 2.725
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP+ 7.184*** 6.8616 3.957 2.807
LBOP- ≠ > LASP- 0.001 6.472 3.763 2.617
LBOP- ≠ > LASP+ 0.052 6.86 3.894 2.727
LBOP+ ≠ > LASP- 1.801 6.956 3.633 2.612
LASP+ ≠ > LIR+ 0.536 7.116 3.911 2.749
LASP- ≠ > LIR- 0.283 6.845 4.021 2.753
LASP- ≠ > LIR+ 0.368 6.849 3.896 2.748
LASP+ ≠ > LIR- 0.368 6.991 3.815 2.756
LIR+ ≠ > LASP+ 2.352 6.89 3.809 2.653
LIR- ≠ > LASP- 1.277 6.52 3.745 2.56
LIR- ≠ > LASP+ 0.491 6.672 3.74 2.595
LIR+ ≠ > LASP- 0.060 6.851 3.783 2.696