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Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN: 1696-0270 • e-ISSN: 2340-4973
Dolores Rando-Cueto
Universidad de Málaga
José M. Núñez Sánchez
Universidad de Málaga
Elena Fernández Díaz
Universidad de Málaga
Carlos De las Heras Pedrosa
Universidad de Málaga
This study aims to analyse the concept of
“Happiness management” in the scientic
literature due to the growing interest in aspects
related to happiness management in social
and professional spheres, which has resulted
in recent research. A systematic review of
publications is carried out in order to examine
the current situation in terms of scientic
production and to analyse the evolution
and trends in the study. In addition, using
the Scopus database and the VOS viewer
software, records were obtained from which a
bibliometric analysis was carried out. Among
the results achieved, the positioning of Spain
as a benchmark country in the international
literature on “Happiness management” and
the inuence of COVID-19 on the spread
and citation of publications stands out. The
scientic contributions on this subject and its
inuence on future research is a growing eld
of study and of interest for the improvement
of quality of life and organizational well-being.
Keywords: Happiness management;
bibliometric analysis; Spain; organizational
well-being; VOS viewer; COVID-19
Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar
el concepto de “Gestión de la felicidad” en
la literatura cientíca debido al creciente in-
terés por los aspectos relacionados con la
gestión de la felicidad en los ámbitos social
y profesional, que se ha traducido en inves-
tigaciones recientes. Se realiza una revisión
sistemática de las publicaciones con el n de
examinar la situación actual en términos de
producción cientíca y analizar la evolución
y tendencias en el estudio. Además, utilizan-
do la base de datos Scopus y el software
VOS viewer, se obtuvieron registros a partir
de los cuales se realizó un análisis bibliomé-
trico. Entre los resultados obtenidos destaca
el posicionamiento de España como país de
referencia en la literatura internacional so-
bre “Gestión de la felicidad” y la inuencia
de COVID-19 en la difusión y citación de las
publicaciones. Las aportaciones cientícas
sobre este tema y su inuencia en futuras
investigaciones es un campo de estudio cre-
ciente y de interés para la mejora de la ca-
lidad de vida y el bienestar organizacional.
Palabras clave: Gestión de la felicidad;
análisis bibliométrico; España; bienestar or-
ganizacional; visor VOS; COVID-19.
Como citar este artículo/ citation: Rando-Cueto, Dolores; Nuñez-Sanchez, José-Manuel; Fernández-Díaz, Elena;
De-las-Heras-Pedrosa, Carlos (2023). Bibliometric Analysis, Evolution and Trends of Happiness Management in
Scientific Literature. ANDULI 23 (2023) pp.177-199.http://doi.org/10.12795/anduli.2023.i23.10
Recibido: 30-06-2022. Aceptado: 01-10-2022. Publicado: 10.01.2023. http://doi.org/10.12795/anduli.2023.i23.10
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1. Introduction
As a concept that generates increasing public interest (Helliwell, Layard, et al., 2022)
and among the scientic community, “happiness” has gained special relevance in
research in recent years, as a motivational element in the activity of individuals and
social collectives and leitmotiv of policies, economics and thought (Ravina-Ripoll,
Ahumada-Tello, et al., 2019).
Happiness and, therefore, human well-being facilitates a better quality of life based
on aspects such as health, social relations and security (Ravina-Ripoll et al., 2022).
Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) determines that health is not only
associated with a lack of disease, but is also related to physical, social and mental
well-being that inuences the state of happiness(World Health Organization, 2020).
The relevance of the concept of “happiness” as a primary objective of international
public policies (Helliwell, Wang, et al., 2022) has led international organisations, such
as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2022), to
promote policies that stimulate the prosperity and well-being of the population of its
member countries.
Castillo-Abdul, et al. (2022)refer to resolutions of international organisations, such as
the one approved by the United Nations, which advocate a greater role for happiness
in development policy, highlighting its pursuit as a fundamental objective, in line with
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda (Naciones Unidas,
2015). As a consequence of the weight that the notion of “happiness” has acquired, its
management has been taken into consideration in regulations in different countries,
becoming a fundamental indicator in global economies(Castillo-Abdul, Pérez-Escoda
& Civila, 2022).
However, the term has been difcult for researchers to conceptualize and different
denitions for the same concept are found in the scientic literature (Ravine-Ripoll
et al., 2022). Authors such as Helliwelland Aknin (2018) understand subjective well-
being as the science of happiness and Ravina-Ripoll et al. (2019:196) dene it as a
concept of general identication to which every individual probably wants to aspire,
but which entails difculties when it comes to dening its proles, assessing its keys
and listing its recipes for achieving it.
Furthermore, in a welfare state, happiness has been understood mainly as the
acquisition of material goods of an economic nature (Lambsdorff, 2007). However,
according to Robina-Ramírez and Cotano-Olvera (2020), happiness should not only
be conceived as the improvement of economic circumstances, but should also be
based on the ability to transcend the material, through the cultivation of values and
internal resources. These values play an essential role in the exploration of happiness
because they allow the development of positive feelings which, in turn, are directly
related to a sense of well-being (Ravina-Ripoll et al., 2022). Finally, happiness is
also dened in terms of frequent positive feelings and a high level of life satisfaction
(Galván Vela et al., 2021).
Regarding the factors that most inuence global happiness, it is worth highlighting the
analysis that Gómez and Quispe (2021) carried out based on the World Happiness
Report 2022 (Helliwell, Layard, et al., 2022): GDP per capita; social support;
healthy life expectancy; freedom to make life choices; generosity; and perception
of corruption. These authors conclude that there is a positive relationship between
economic income and the perception of happiness, although they highlight other
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Artículos • Dolores Rando Cueto, José M. Núñez Sánchez, Elena Fernández Díaz, Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa
variables, such as those related to social issues that are decisive in establishing the
level of well-being in a country.
Concerning the perception of happiness in Spain, Núñez-Barriopedro et al. (2020)
analyse the constructs of economic perception, politics and socio-demographic
characteristics that inuence the feeling of happiness. These researchers assert
that Spaniards’ level of happiness depends especially on how they perceive politics.
Regarding socio-demographic factors, they determine that gender has a strong
inuence on the degree of happiness; unemployment has a negative inuence; and
that one of the happiest groups in society are retired people.
Happiness management
With regard to the business and organizational sphere, the study of corporate
happiness has recently become a frequent topic among researchers in the eld of
governance and business strategy(Castro-Martínez & Díaz-Morilla, 2020). In the
scientic literature analyzed on the concept of Happiness management, it stands out
that most of the publications are related to areas of happiness at work or the working
environment, as well as its importance with respect to the employees of organizations
(Salas-Vallina et al., 2021). The case studies of organizations in Spain [(Castro-
Martínez & Díaz-Morilla, 2020) (Foncubierta-Rodríguez, 2022) (Muñiz-Velázquez et
al., 2022) (Ravina-Ripoll et al., 2022)] and in Colombia (Mendoza-Ocasal et al., 2021)
are note worthy, as well as in the eld of entrepreneurship [(Foncubierta-Rodríguez,
2022) (Ravina-Ripoll et al., 2021)].
Few studies analyze the concept of “Happiness Management” as a main area within
the science of happiness, specifying a more global vision and identifying this term as
a transversal model that integrates political, economic and cultural aspects. (Ravina-
Ripoll, Nunez-Barriopedro, et al., 2019).
Organisational happiness appears as one of the most representative elements of a
new trend in organisations, in which managers are increasingly concerned about the
conditions of employees (Mendoza-Ocasal et al., 2021).
With respect to the literature on welfare economics, most of it focuses on case studies
from Spain [(Peña-Ramos et al., 2021) (García-Vaquero et al., 2021)] and other
countries more exceptionally, such as Austria (Sánchez Bayón & García Ramos,
Other sub-topics to highlight, although less prevalent, are those related to creativity
and communication, mostly also related to the Spanish case study [(Castillo-Abdul,
Pérez-Escoda, & Núñez-Barriopedro, 2022)(Galiano-Coronil et al., 2021)(Jiménez-
Marín et al., 2022)(Núñez-Barriopedro et al., 2019)(Ravina Ripoll, Bayardo Tobar-
Pesántez, et al., 2021).]
The scientic community has also echoed the changes that the global pandemic
caused by COVID-19 has brought about in society: connement, social distancing,
teleworking, among other aspects, have affected citizens’ well-being and caused
negative consequences on their physical and mental health (Núñez-Sánchez et al.,
Thus, the United Nations, in its report on COVID-19 and the need for action on mental
health (2020)underlines the direct inuence that mental health has on society and
highlights the erosion of citizens’ well-being as a consequence of the spread of the
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coronavirus. The document also highlights the fact that certain population groups
are more vulnerable and have been more affected by the psychological problems
resulting from the global pandemic: older people are more likely to feel fear and other
negative feelings due to loneliness and isolation; children and adolescents, as a result
of anxiety and stress in the family environment, which also causes the mun certainty
and insecurity about their future. To minimize these psychological consequences, the
international organization promotes a series of measures aimed at preserving optimal
mental health, considered from the perspective of universal health coverage.
United Nations assessments conducted during COVID-19 conrm that, for young
people, life satisfaction has declined, while for those aged 60 and over it has increased,
with little overall change. Worry and stress have increased: 8% in 2020 and 4% in
2021, compared to pre-pandemic levels(Helliwell, Wang, et al., 2022).
From a professional point of view, the concept of happiness in organizations has also
been affected during the pandemic, allowing the managerial members of organizations
to focus more on managing the happiness of their workers (Ravina Ripoll, Foncubierta
Rodríguez, et al., 2021). The search of organizational happiness emerges as a means
to optimize nancial performance and achieve sustainable and lasting competitive
advantages over time (Mendoza-Ocasal et al., 2021), so it is essential for leaders to
develop a strategy to manage happiness in the organisation. However, COVID-19
has meant a profound and radical change in the way of understanding happiness
management (Barquero Cabrero et al., 2022) implying a great challenge that has
generated great difculties all over the world (Peña-Ramos et al., 2021).Among the
studies that relate “Happiness Management” to Spain and COVID-19 attention is
drawn to García and Sánchez-Bayón (2021), Peña-Ramos et al. Peña-Ramos et al.
(2021) and Sánchez Bayón et al. (2022).
Timed to coincide with the spread of the coronavirus, there was a signicant upturn
in the volume of scientic production on happiness management, as Dominko and
Verbič (2019) point out, referring to articles related to concepts such as “subjective
well-being”, “happiness”, “life satisfaction” and “positive affect” after the crisis suffered
in 2008.
In the case of COVID-19, there is a signicant difference in the subject matter of
the articles published up to 2020 and those spread the following year, as noted by
De las Heras-Pedrosa, et al. (2022)in their research on coronavirus es and health
communication. These authors reinforce the idea that the scientic literature is in line
with the spread of the pandemic worldwide and the communication actions that go
with it.
In short, happiness and its management have become a topic of interest in the
business and academic world in recent years. The following research objectives are
proposed in order to deepen the state of the art in the management of happiness in
the scientic literature:
O1. To nd out the volume of quality international scientic production that has been
published on “Happiness Management”.
O2. To analyse the trends in research on happiness management in organisations.
O3. To visually represent the most outstanding topics, authors, entities, geographical
areas and scientic publications in terms of the number of works disseminated, as
well as their interrelation in collaboration networks.
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Artículos • Dolores Rando Cueto, José M. Núñez Sánchez, Elena Fernández Díaz, Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa
2. Materials and methods
First, as part of the methodological process, a systematic review is carried out of
the scientic literature on happiness management in organizations that has been
published at an international level. To this end, we chose the works published in high
impact publications in order to provide the research with quality evidence.
From the database of bibliographic references scientic journals, books and
conference proceedings - Scopus, as the source chosen for the bibliometric analysis
and network mapping, we extracted all the works found on the aforementioned
subject, n=106 (search on 31 May 2022). With the inclusion of the concept “Happiness
management” in the search carried out, the bibliometric study is developed based
on previous research, for which the VOS viewer software wasused (de las Heras-
Pedrosa et al., 2022) (Jiang et al., 2020) (Chen, 2017) (Waltman et al., 2010) (van
Eck & Waltman, 2010). With this tool, bibliometric and co-occurrence networks of
relevant terms extracted from the scientic literature are visualised.
Table 1. Scopus search results for bibliometric analysis.
Date Search Publications
31 May 2022 TS=(“Happiness management”) 106
More than half of the records found (69.1%) are articles, although book chapters,
conference papers, reviews and other types of publications are also analyzed
(Figure 1).
Figure 1. Types of records analyzed.
In this study, Scopus and VOS viewer tools provide information on the interrelationships
or networks established between authors who write about happiness management,
citations, scientic publications and entities from where the greatest scientic
production is promoted, as well as countries where a greater number of articles
related to the subject are concentrated and promoted. With this context, both the
current situation and the looming trends in research on organizational wellbeing are
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In a visual way, the results obtained are represented in the form of bibliometric network
maps of co-occurrence of: authors’ keywords; citation and areas of knowledge;
citation and prestigious scientic publications; authorship and institutional afliation;
authorship and geographical areas.
The methodological resources described lead to the achievement of the research
3. Results
As evidence of the increase in scientic production in recent years, Figure 2 shows
that, excluding articles published exceptionally in 2009, 2011 and 2015, it is from
2018 onwards when the publication of papers on happiness management in
prestigious journals begins uninterruptedly. The most notable increase in the volume
of publications occurs in the year 2021, and the forecast is that by 2022 the numbers
will remain the same (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Articles in high-impact publications on happiness management.
The evolution of citations to the papers referred to is presented consistently (Figure 3),
starting in 2018, with particularly notable growth since 2020. Moreover, it is expected
to grow even more in 2022, since before the end of the half of the year, the number
of citations has already exceeded the number of citations of the same period of the
previous year. The citation rate is summarised in Table 2.
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Artículos • Dolores Rando Cueto, José M. Núñez Sánchez, Elena Fernández Díaz, Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa
Figure 3. Citation of registered publications.
Table 2. Citationreport
Publications 106
Times Cited 310
H-Index 8
The published studies with the highest number of citations (more than four) are listed
in Table 3. The rst ve articles in this list deal with aspects related to the inuence
of automation and digitalization on the development of human capital and consumer
behavior (Sima et al., 2020); the inuence of the political perception of citizens on
their level of happiness (Núñez-Barriopedro et al., 2020); the direct relationship
between personal income and individual employee satisfaction (Ravina-Ripoll,
Nunez-Barriopedro, et al., 2019); the so-called happiness and talent economy, as a
lever for change towards good business practices (Sánchez-Bayón, 2020); and the
development of labour relations in the welfare state economy (Sánchez-Bayón, A. &
Aznar, E., 2020).
Table 3. Most cited publications.
Authors Articles Journals Citation
Sima, V., Gheorghe,
I.G., Subić, J., Nancu,
D. (2020)
“Inuences of the industry 4.0 revolu-
tion on the human capital development
and consumer behavior: A systematic
(Switzerland) 92
E., Ravina-Ripoll,
R., Ahumada-Tello,
“Happiness perception in Spain, a SEM
approach to evidence from the socio-
logical research center”. https://doi.
Quality and
Quantity 13
Anduli • Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales Nº 23 - 2023
• 184 •
Authors Articles Journals Citation
Ravina-Ripoll, R.,
E, R., Evans, R.D.,
Ahumada-Tello, E.
“Employee Happiness in the Indus-
try 4.0 Era: Insights from the Span-
ish Industrial Sector” DOI:10.1109/
IEEE Tech-
nology &
“Renewal of business & economic
thought after the globalization: Talent-
ism & Happiness Economics”
Bajo Palabra 12
Sanchez-Bayon, A., &
Aznar, E.(2020)
“Business and labour culture changes in
digital paradigm: rise and fall of human
resources and the emergence of talent
Cogito: Mul-
López-Sanz, J.M.,
Penelas-Leguía, A.,
P., Cuesta-valiño, P.
“Sustainable development and con-
sumer behavior in rural tourism—the
importance of image and loyalty for host
DOI: 10.1177/0018726712451283
(Switzerland) 9
“A History of HR and its digital trans-
formation: from fordism to talentism &
happiness management”
Revista de la
Española de
en Medicina del
López-Sanz, J.M.;
Penelas-Leguía, A.;
P.; Cuesta-Valiño, P.
Sustainable Development and Rural
Tourism in Depopulated Areas.
Land 8
Jiménez-Marín G,
Elías Zambrano R,
Galiano-Coronil A,
Ravina-Ripoll R.
“Food and Beverage Advertising Aimed
at Spanish Children Issued through
Mobile Devices: A Study from a Social
Marketing and Happiness Management
doi: 10.3390/ijerph17145056
Journal of
Research and
Public Health
Almeida, F., Ken-
nedy, A.J., Lin, B. and
Nowak, I.V.
“Measuring innovation through a crowd
source initiative”
Journal of Inno-
vation Science
E., Cuesta-Valiño, P.,
P., & Ravina-Ripoll, R.
“How Does Happiness Inuence the
Loyalty of Karate Athletes? A Model
of Structural Equations From the
Constructs: Consumer Satisfaction,
Engagement, and Meaningful”. https://
Frontiers in
Psychology 6
• 185 •
Artículos • Dolores Rando Cueto, José M. Núñez Sánchez, Elena Fernández Díaz, Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa
Authors Articles Journals Citation
Ravina-Ripoll, R.,
ríguez, M.J., Ahu-
mada-Tello, E., and
Evans, R. D.(2020)
“Does Money Makes Entre-
preneurs Happy In The Age Of
Industries 4.0?,”doi:10.1109/
2020 IEEE
Technology &
Sánchez-Bayón, A.,
“Relations Development until the Digital
Transition: From Fragile Human Re-
sources to Agile Talent-Collaborators &
the Compliance Resistance”
Journal of
Legal, Ethical
and Regulatory
Chumaceiro Hernán-
dez, A., Hernández de
Velazco, J., Ravina,
R., Hernandez, I.
“University Social Responsibility in the
Organizational Happiness Management.
Utopia y Praxis
Wang, R. (2019)
“Evolutionary game of knowledge
sharing in master-apprentice pattern of
innovative organization”
Journal of Inno-
vation Science
Ravina-Ripoll, R.,
Ahumada-Tello, E.,
“Happiness as a predictor of academic
performance in university students. A
comparative analysis between Mexico
and Spain”
Cauriensia 6
López-Sanz, J.M.,
Penelas-Leguía, A.,
P., Cuesta-Valiño,
“Rural Tourism and the Sustainable
Development Goals. A Study of the Vari-
ables That Most Inuence the Behavior
of the Tourist”
Frontiers in
Psychology 5
Sánchez-Bayón, A.,
Ramos, M.Á.G. (2021)
“A win-win case of CSR 3.0 for wellbe-
ing economics: Digital currencies as a
tool to improve the personnel income,
the environmental respect & the general
Revista de
García-Conde, M.G.,
Marín, L., De Maya,
S.R. (2020)
“Effective social marketing to improve
parental intentions giving more fruits
and vegetables to children”
(Switzerland) 5
3.1. Analysis of author key words
Following the selection of records, the VOS viewer software is used for the visual
representation of those key words chosen by the authors of their publications, which
indicate the predominant themes in the scientic literature. Figure 4 shows the map
provided by this tool, which visualizes the relationships between groupings of terms
or clusters (Annex A1). In this way, together with nuclei of predominant key words and
with greater strength of relationship that are grouped under the concept of “happiness
management”, other predominant terms stand out with great strength of interrelation:
“well-being at work”; “digitalization”; “sustainability”; “communication”; “satisfaction
life”; among others.
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Figure 4. Map of author key word co-occurrence.
3.2. Analysis of authorship and geographical areas
In the analysis of authorship, the Spanish production stands out, as well as the
interrelation between authors of this nationality. Table 4 shows those researchers
with the highest number of published works on happiness management.
Table 4. Ranking of authors, according to number of published papers
Ravina-Ripoll, R. 27 83
Tobar-Pesántez, L.B. 13 14
Sánchez-Bayón, A. 12 51
Ahumada-Tello, E. 11 48
Nunez-Barriopedro, E. 10 38
Foncubierta-Rodriguez, M.J. 9 21
Cuesta-Valiño, P. 8 35
Galiano-Coronil, A. 8 17
Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, P. 7 34
Evans, R.D. 5 25
Jiménez-Marín, G. 5 14
López-Sanz, J.M. 422
Penelas-Leguía, A. 422
Castillo-Abdul, B. 42
Zambrano, R.E. 3 13
Lominchar, J. 3 12
Loranca-Valle, C. 3 4
Marchena-Domínguez, J. 3 3
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Artículos • Dolores Rando Cueto, José M. Núñez Sánchez, Elena Fernández Díaz, Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa
However, the list changes slightly according to the number of citations received by
the papers disseminated. The authors with more than ten citations of their articles
are shown in Table 5. It should be noted that the rst four researchers are authors of
the same article with the highest number of citations of those published (Siam et al.,
2020) and for which they appear at the top of the list.
Table 5. Ranking of authors, according to citation
Gheorghe, I.G. 1 86
Nancu, D. 1 86
Sima, V. 1 86
Subić, J. 1 86
Ravina-Ripoll, R. 27 83
Sánchez-Bayón, A. 12 51
Ahumada-Tello, E. 11 48
Nunez-Barriopedro, E. 10 38
Cuesta-Valiño, P. 8 35
Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, P. 7 34
Evans, R.D. 5 25
López-Sanz, J.M. 422
Penelas-Leguía, A. 422
Foncubierta-rodriguez, m.j. 9 21
Galiano-Coronil, A. 8 17
Jiménez-Marín, G. 5 14
Tobar-Pesántez, L.B. 13 14
Zambrano, R.E. 3 13
Lominchar, J. 3 12
Aznar, E.T. 111
Figure 5 shows, together with the volume of scientic production and citations, the
strength of correlation between authors, i.e. not only the most inuential researchers
in the eld of study, but also the intensity of research collaboration between them.
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Figure 5. Map of collaboration networks of the most inuential authors
The geographical areas where the most papers devoted to happiness management
are collected are shown in Figure 6, with Spain standing out as the country with the
highest scientic production. This state maintains close relations with Latin American
countries, as well as with European countries (Italy) and, to a lesser extent, with other
areas of the United States and the United Kingdom.
Figure 6. Geographical areas with the highest scientic production and interrelationship
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Artículos • Dolores Rando Cueto, José M. Núñez Sánchez, Elena Fernández Díaz, Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa
3.3. Analysis of journals and thematic areas
As it can be seen from the number of records found, there is increasing interest in the
subject under study among the scientic community. However, there are publications
that give more space to this line of research. Thus, Happiness Management and Social
Marketing a Wave of Sustainability and Creativity leads the ranking of publications
with the highest number of entries (17), with more than twice the number of papers
spread than the second of the publications shown in Figure 5, Corporate Governance
Bingley (8). These are followed by Revista Venezolana de Gerencia (7), Sustainability
Swizerland (7), Frontiers in Psychology (6), International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health (5), with ve or more research papers in their editions.
However, there is a wide dispersion of articles in a wide range of scientic journals.
Figure 7 shows those journals with more than four records.
Figure 7. Journals with more than four publications on happiness management
The most prevalent thematic areas in the works referred to are those shown in Figure
8, where a clear research trend is reected in “business, management and hunting”,
which reinforces the relationship between happiness and the eld of business
management. Alongside this line, studies on happiness management related to the
social sciences are also predominant.
Figure 8. Main thematic areas
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3.4. Analysis of organizations
Three Spanish universities are shown in Figure 9 as referents of a greater number
of research, so that these entities contribute to fostering publications on happiness
management: University of Cadiz (Andalusia), University Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)
and University of Alcalá (Madrid). In total, in the ranking of the fteen entities with the
highest number of afliations, more than half are Spanish (seven).
Figure 9. Entities with the highest number of afliations
The University of Cadiz and the University of Alcalá, both Spanish, also appear on the
network map of the organizations as the most inuential not only in terms of scientic
production, but also in terms of the collaborative research relations they maintain in
the subject analyzed (Figure 10). These two entities establish working links with other
institutions that also stand out in the graph: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
(Germany); Salesian Polytechnic University of Ecuador (Ecuador); and the University
of Verona (Italy).
Figure 10. Map of networks of organizations
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Artículos • Dolores Rando Cueto, José M. Núñez Sánchez, Elena Fernández Díaz, Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa
4. Results discussion
Although the study of happiness in organizations is an expanding eld of research, not
only in terms of business management, but also in questions of public management
and happiness management itself (Ravina-Ripoll et al., 2022), the fact is that the
topics are increasingly diversifying and becoming more specic, as is the case of the
study of happiness in the educational sphere and, more specically, in the university
environment (Barquero Cabrero et al., 2022).
Far from being a short-lived trend, happiness in the workplace is a consolidated
concept today(Muñiz-Velázquez et al., 2022).However, in the aftermath of the
COVID-19 pandemic, a greater awareness of the importance of aspects related to
happiness at work and the hierarchy of values for employees emerged (Ravina Ripoll,
Foncubierta Rodríguez, et al., 2021).
The crisis caused by the coronavirus is not only a pandemic, but also a syndemic, like
different outbreaks of diseases that affect material and psychological issues, which
undoubtedly opens up future lines of research (Peña-Ramos et al., 2021).
As limitations to the study, the Scopus database was chosen as it seemed to be the
most complete for this article, with more than a hundred records analyzed. During the
initial study, the records published in the Web of Science (Woos) database were also
analyzed using the same search engine. Nevertheless, the volume of papers was
halved in WoS and only ten articles did not match in both bibliographic sources. In
any case, the non-matching records were analysed during the review of the scientic
Another of the limitations encountered in the development of the study arose during the
standardization of author keywords, which was carried out in a discretionary manner:
in each case it was chosen to opt for the plural or singular of the terms according to
their meaning; words written in American English (instead of British English) were
chosen, as this was the language most widely used in the publications studied; and
concepts were grouped together that were synonyms or whose spelling was more
frequent in the scientic literature (avoiding acronyms or abbreviations). Furthermore,
in the standardization of authorship of the publications, a lack of unication was
detected in the nomination of researchers, which makes it difcult to quantify the
absolute number of works published by each author.
5. Conclusions
The systematic review of the literature on “Happiness management” in the
international scientic sphere and the bibliometric analysis carried out reect an
attractive panorama in terms of the research horizon in organizational well-being
and happiness. There are more and more studies that support the direct relationship
between the optimal management of happiness and the benets that redound, both
on a personal and professional level, in the work environment. The positive aspects
derived in this sense are directed at the individual, as well as at the entity for which
he or she works.
In this sense, work on happiness management strategies is justied by its impact
on improving the quality of life of citizens. All this indicates that the current research
trend on Happiness Management will continue to grow. The contribution of this study
will facilitate the knowledge of the most inuential authors in the eld of happiness
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management, as well as the main existing research collaboration networks, in addition
to the entities most willing to offer support for the publication of works on the subject
of study.
In a globalised world, there is a geographical polarisation in the origin of the most out
standing research, with Spain being the country where most scientic dissemination
takes place, Spanish researchers leading the rankings of authors with the highest
number of publications, and Spanish universities being the entities where the greatest
research momentum is detected. In any case, Spanish scientic production at the
international level has a short scientic trajectory over time and authors of other
nationalities have a higher proportion of citations than Spaniards if we compare their
citation rates.
Another of the study’s conclusions is how a health crisis, such as the pandemic caused
by the spread of the corona virus, has a decisive inuence on scientic production
related to the management of happiness and well-being.
Authors’ contributions
Conceptualization, C. D-P.; methodology, C. D-P; D. R-C.; validation, D. R-C;E. F-D.;
J-M. N-S.; formal analysis ,D. R-C; E. F-D.; J-M. N-S; investigation, C. D-P; D. R-C;
E. F-D.; J-M. N-S.; resources, C. D-P..; drafting-preparation of the original project, D.
R-C.; drafting-revising and editing, C. D-P; D. R-C; E. F-D.; J-M. N-S.; supervision, C.
D-P; D. R-C.; project administration, C. D-P..; acquisition of funds, C. D-P.
All authors have read and agreed with the published version of the manuscript.
The research was funded by the PAIDI Project of the Junta de Andalucía, grant
number PY20_00407 with title “Gestión de la comunicación en startups lideradas
por mujeres. Estrategias competitivas para la diferenciación y la innovación “ and the
APC was funded by the same research project.
Conicts of interest:
The authors declare no conicts of interest.
The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analysis or
interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the
• 193 •
Artículos • Dolores Rando Cueto, José M. Núñez Sánchez, Elena Fernández Díaz, Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa
Annex A1
Author key word clusters
Clusters Terms
Affective commitment; attrition; certicate; challenge; cognitive commitment; iso; job
satisfaction; loyalty; measurement; metrics; organizational justice; service quality;
sport management; stakeholders; systematic review of the literature; total quality
management; trust
Country economy; decision making; economics; emotional well-being; foreign
investment; gross domestic product; imbalanced data; life satisfaction; machine
learning; multi layer perception; naïve bayes; over sampling; political situation;
prediction model; python; sem model; socio-demograc characterist; under-sampling
Asymmetric evolutionary game; cocreation; customer engagement with dsr; dynamic
capabilities; higher education; innovativeness; knowledge management; listening
culture; master-apprentice pattern; organizational listening; organizational success;
productivity; quality; quantitative analysis; replicator dynamics; retail; strategic
performance; transformational leaders
Agencies; attitude towards work; common good; consumption; cross-natioanl
research; cultural factor; delphi methodology; effectiveness; entertainment; humor;
international association; management; organizational happiness; prospective
research; soft skills; team work; university social responsibility
Academic satisfaction; chief happiness ofcer; corporate communication;
engagement; generic competencies; internal communication; internal marketing;
internal tools; organization; organizational climate; organizational commitment;
organizational communication; organizational development; public relations;
purpose; Spain
Communication; companies; disability; down syndrome; fashion industry; inuencers;
Instagram; luxury; marketing; social inclusion; social networks; social organization;
sustainability; university governance; youtubers
Circular economy; climate change; corporate social responsibility; energy and
environment; environment; eu:; European green deal; green deal; green innovation;
investment on environment; organizational performance; recovery; reduction of
polluting energy; skills; technovation
Actigraphy; diurnal preference; employee happiness; income; industrial sector;
Japan; job performance; perception; private sector; public and private sector; salary;
seniority; sleep epidemiology project; work environments.
9Advertising; breakfast; childhood; educommunication; food; media; Mediterranean
diet; mobile devices; nutrition; paos code; sugar; television
Altruism; consumer attitude; csr; discipline; healthy behavior; meaning; parents
attitudes; policy; pro-social preferences; social communication; social marketing;
Acoountability; acreditations system; business; compliance; history of economic
& business; horizon 2030; law & economics; political economy; reputation;
transparency; welfare
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Clusters Terms
12 a/b split test; age; corporate culture; entrepreneurship; eye tracking; gender; marital
status; personality characteristics; religion; user prole; wage earner
13 Advertising agencies; competitiveness; creativity; electricity; functional connectivity;
gas; graph theory; network exibility; positioning; ranking; social representation
Academic performance; digitalization; freeriders; gig economy; human resource
management; knowmads; performance; small and medium enterprises; talentism;
15 Banking; behaviours; branded content; money; norms; responsible; spiritual
resources; stress; transcendence; values
16 Articial intelligence; automation; customer behavior; human actions; information
and communication; labour relations; support; the theoretical model
17 Depopulation; destination image; employment; local population; motivation; rural
tourism; satisfaction life
18 Dual problem; happiness management, reading; students; technology-based rms;
wellness theory
19 Adolescents; commerce; obesity; racial health disparities; targeted marketing
20 Education; hierarchy of needs; multidimensional database; rasch model; well-being
at work
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Artículos • Dolores Rando Cueto, José M. Núñez Sánchez, Elena Fernández Díaz, Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa
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