ANAK AGUNG Ngurah Gede Sadiartha

Universitas Hindu Indonesia. Indonesia.


Papel de la influencia de la medición de la satisfacción a través de CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing) hacia la confianza del consumidor en Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar.

The role of the influence of satisfaction measurement through CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing) towards consumer confidence in Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar.

I Wayan Suartina

Universitas Hindu Indonesia. Indonesia.




Kindergarten school at an early age is a form of education that focuses on laying the foundation towards physical growth and development (fine and gross motor coordination), intelligence (thinking power, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence), socio-emotional (attitude and behavior as well as religion), language and communication, by the uniqueness and stages of development carried out by young children born up to eight years, serves to develop children’s potential and shape the child’s personality correctly. The purpose of this education has two functions, namely giving direction to all educational activities and is something that is intended to be achieved by all educational activities. Based the results are customer relationship marketing has a positive and significant influence on the satisfaction of Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar, CRM has a positive and significant influence on Consumer Trust in Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar, satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on Consumer Trust at Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar, the role of satisfaction plays an important role for the development and progress of the institution, this means that the better customer relationship marketing, consumers will feel high satisfaction so that consumers are loyal to the services provided by Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar.


Customer relationship; customer trust; kindergarten school; satisfaction.


El jardín de infancia a una edad temprana es una forma de educación que se centra en sentar las bases para el crecimiento y desarrollo físico (coordinación motora fina y gruesa), la inteligencia (poder de pensamiento, inteligencia emocional, inteligencia espiritual), socio-emocional (actitud y comportamiento así como religión), el lenguaje y la comunicación, por la singularidad y las etapas de desarrollo que llevan a cabo los niños pequeños de hasta ocho años, sirve para desarrollar el potencial de los niños y formar la personalidad del niño correctamente. La finalidad de esta educación tiene como función principal dar directrices a todas las actividades educativas y es algo que se pretende conseguir con todas las actividades educativas. Basado en los resultados son la relación con el cliente, el marketing tiene una influencia positiva que concluye en la satisfacción de los Cursos de Elite Sang Tunas Kid Denpasar, un CRM que tiene una influencia positiva y significativa en la confianza del consumidor. Dado que la satisfacción, como concepto, tiene una influencia positiva y significativa en la confianza del consumidor, en concreto el papel de la satisfacción en Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar,juega un rol importante para el desarrollo y el progreso de la institución; esto es: la mejor comercialización es una óptima relación con el cliente pues los consumidores se sentirán muy satisfechos para que los consumidores sean fieles a los servicios prestados por la entidad.

Palabras clave

Confianza del cliente; jardín de infancia; relación con el cliente; satisfacción.

1. Introduction

Seeing the development and social change that are experienced in the education sector requires two actors, namely educators and students, to be more responsive and actively follow all changes and developments in education. The role of educators is as a facilitator in the teaching and learning process and the role of students is learning. The two roles are interrelated and have a synergistic relationship to achieve their goals. In the current learning curriculum, students as objects of learning are required to be more active and creative in learning activities, so that the material delivered by teachers at school can be easily understood. Currently, there are already many non-formal educational services such as courses and tutoring. The spread of non-formal education services such as courses and guidance institutions requires businesses to act quickly to respond to high competition and to show the existence of institutions that are being built. By the increasing of high competition, businesses need to implement a CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing) strategy which is currently being widely applied by institutions or companies that must be considered by the company. Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar is one of the non-formal educational institutions that play a role in improving student achievement from Kindergarten (TK) to elementary school (SD). Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses has been established since September 9, 1999, which is located at Jalan Raya Puputan Rukan Niti Mandala Raya No. 9 Renon, Denpasar. For nearly twenty years, Elite Tunas Kid Courses sustainably concerned with basic education. This seriousness shows that the Elite Tunas Kid Courses institution has long experience in educating students to become a great generation with professional educators in their fields. Elite Sang Tunas Kid Course uses a semi-private learning method by grouping students which aims to make students more active and happy in the learning process. This institution is certainly very aware of the demands of current education quality, so they continue to develop products, training educators to provide the best quality of education for their students. Even though Elite Sang Tunas has implemented various marketing programs to maintain Consumer Trust, by the existence of high competition, each service provider business institution places a goal on customer satisfaction. Consumer Satisfaction is a benchmark of Elite Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar Institute to be able to progress and develop. The increasing of student’s numbers of Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar for 1 year in 2018 can be seen in Table 1. below:

Table 1. Data of Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar students in 2018

Source: Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses (2018)

Based on the background above, the present researchers want to find out more about the influence of Customer Relationship Marketing on Consumer Trust as seen from satisfaction. Then it discussed the research entitled: “The Role of Mediation Satisfaction of CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing) Influence toward Consumer Trust at Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar”.

2. Literature review and hypothesis

2.1. Consumer Trust

Dharmmestha (2005) said that trust as the willingness of a person to depend on other parties involved in the exchange because he has confidence in the other party. Mayer et al in Susanti (2013) defines trust as the willingness of one party to trust the other party. Based on the expectation that the other party will take certain actions that are important for those who believe it. The trust that consumers have in brands, corporations and other objects in consumers has several important managerial implications. First of all school leaders must realize that consumer confidence in attributes in schools sometimes does not correspond to reality. Also, school leaders must realize that positioning, differentiation, and segmentation strategies can be based on the attributes of a brand. Consumer trust is the power of knowledge possessed by consumers and all conclusions consumers make that product have objects, attributes, and benefits. Sheth and Mittal (2004) state that trust is a factor most crucial in every relationship, all at once affect commitment. Indicator of Consumer Confidence (Nuraini,2009): Honesty of the seller in the transaction, The seller’s responsibility to the buyer, Trust that company have a good reputation

2.2. CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing)

Chan (2003) in Harry (2017) states that Customer relationship marketing is as an introduction to every consumer more closely by creating two-way communication by managing a mutually beneficial relationship between consumers and companies. According to Palmatier (2008) in Afan (2013), customer relationship marketing is a process of obtaining, maintaining, and developing profitable consumers which requires a clear focus on the attributes of a service that can produce value to consumers to produce Trust. Sanchez (2012) in Afan (2013) states that customer relationship marketing is a way of marketing business to consumers that increases the company’s long-term growth and maximum customer satisfaction. Anton and Galdenbery (2002) in Siti (2014) CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing) have the following indicators: Humans (People), Process (Process), Technology.

2.3. Satisfaction

Hand 2007 (in Sudaryono, 2016: 78), Satisfaction comes from Latin, which is satis which means good enough and facere which means to do or do. So a product or service that can be satisfied, is a product or service that can provide something that is sought by consumers to an adequate level. Kotler & Keller, 2003 (in Sudaryono, 2016: 79) state that consumer satisfaction is the feeling of consumers, whether in the form of pleasure or dissatisfaction arising from comparing a product with consumer expectations for the product. Based on the various opinions, there are similarities in defining customer satisfaction, which is related to the component of customer satisfaction (expectations or perceived performance). Generally, consumer expectations are the estimates or consumer beliefs about what will be received if he buys or consumes a product (goods or services). Meanwhile, the perceived performance is consumer perception of what is received after consuming the product purchased. Tjiptono (2004) mentions several indicators of the formation of consumer satisfaction consisting of Conformity of expectations, Interest in a continuous visit, Willingness to recommend.

3. Research Methodology

The dependent variable is Consumer Trust (Y) and the moderating variable is satisfaction (M) which is influenced by the role of the independent variable, namely customer relationship marketing (X). To explain the relationship between the three variables, the conceptual framework is constructed as follows:

Figure 1: Framework of the Role of Satisfaction Mediates the influence of CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing) on Consumer Trust at Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar.

Source: Own elaboration (2020)

4. Population, Sample, and Sample Determination Method

4.1. Population

The population taken in this study were all consumers or parents of course students at Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar that were 191 people.

4.2. Sample

The sampling technique is done by the method of non-probability sampling, which relies on personal judgment rather than the opportunity to choose sample elements.

4.3. Sample Determination Method

In the sample determination method, researchers used a non-probability sampling method, with a purposive technique. Purposive sampling is a non-random sampling technique. The sample criteria in this study were: Parents whose children are still actively attending courses and have been running for at least 1 (one) year at Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar and Parents who enrol their children in more than 1 (one) course program in Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar.

5. Results and Discussion

The calculation results on the test data is:

Table 2: Substructure Coefficients 1 (Model 1)

Source: Own elaboration (2020)

Table 3: Substructure 2 Coefficients (Model 2)

Direct Influence Table, Indirect Influence and Influence of Total Customer Relationship Marketing Variables, Customer Satisfaction and Trust

Source: Own elaboration (2020)

5.1. Model validation check

There are two indicators to check the validity of the model, namely the coefficient of total determination and theory trimming where the results can be presented as follows and the total determination coefficient: is 71.7 %, while the remaining 28.3 % is explained by other variables (it did not contain in the model) and error. Theory Trimming is carried out by removing non-significant pathways to obtain a model that is truly supported by empirical data. The validation test on each path for direct influence is similar with the regression by using p-value of t-test, namely testing the variable regression coefficient partially standardized to the Customer Relationship Marketing (X) toward the satisfaction (M) which is 4.259 sig 0.00, Customer Relationship Marketing ( X) on Consumer Trust (Y) which is 6.497 with sig 0.00, satisfaction variable (M) on Consumer Trust (Y) which is 4.226 with sig 0.00.

5.2. Discussion

5.2.1. The Influence of Customer Relationship Marketing on Satisfaction

The test results for Customer Relationship Marketing variables at satisfaction 0,000 <0.05, with a path coefficient of 0.4702 = 0.2209 or 22.1% while the remaining 77.9% is influenced by other factors, H1 is accepted, in other words, customer relationship marketing has a positive and significant influence on the satisfaction of the Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar.

5.2.2. The influence of Customer Relationship Marketing on Consumer Trust

The CRM variable on Consumer Trust was 0,000 <0.05 and the path coefficient value was 0.5592 = 0.312 or 31.2% while the remaining 68.8% was influenced by other factors, H2 is accepted, in other words, CRM has a positive and significant influence on Consumer Trust in Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar.

5.2.3. The influence of Satisfaction on Consumer Trust

The variable satisfaction with Consumer Trust is 0,000 <0.05 with a path coefficient of 0.3642 = 0.132 or 13.2% while the remaining 86.8% is influenced by other factors, H3 is accepted, in other words, satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on Consumer Trust at Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar.

5.2.4. The Rule of Satisfaction in mediating the influence of CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing) on Consumer Trust

The test results, it was obtained Z count (2.95)> Z table (1.96) with an indirect effect value of 0.479 and a confidence interval (CI) of 95% ranging from 20.8 to 88.0, it can be concluded that there is an influent indirect significant of 47.9%, which means that the satisfaction variable is able to mediate the relationship between customer relationship marketing with Consumer Trust. Although the influence is below 50%, the role of satisfaction plays an important role for the development and progress of the institution, this means that the better customer relationship marketing, consumers will feel high satisfaction so that consumers are loyal to the services provided by Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar.

6. Conclusion

Customer Relationship Marketing variables on satisfaction of 0,000 <0.05, with a path coefficient of 0.4702 = 0.2209 or 22.1% while the remaining 77.9% is influenced by other factors, so H1 is accepted, in other words, customer relationship marketing has a positive and significant influence on the satisfaction of Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar. Based on the calculation results obtained significance level of research for CRM variables on Consumer Trust of 0,000 <0.05 and path coefficient of 0.5592 = 0.312 or 31.2% while the remaining 68.8% is influenced by other factors, so H2 is accepted, in other words, CRM has a positive and significant influence on Consumer Trust at Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar. Based on the calculation, the significance level of the research is obtained for the variable satisfaction with Consumer Trust of 0,000 <0.05 with a path coefficient of 0.3642 = 0.132 or 13.2% while the remaining 86.8% is influenced by other factors, so H3 is accepted, in other words, satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on Consumer Trust at Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar. Z count (2.95)> Z table (1.96) with an indirect effect value of 0.479 and a confidence interval (CI) of 95% ranging between 20.8 to 88.0, it can be concluded that there is a significant indirect effect of 47.9% which means satisfaction has a role to mediate the relationship between customer relationship marketing with Consumer Trust at Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar.






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IROCAMM- International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix | e-ISSN: 2605-0447


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