“What’s New?” Técnica para desarrollar habilidades orales en estudiantes de Servicios Gastronómicos
Didactic considerations about language teaching
The teaching learning process of any subject comprises laws and principles
established by didactics, a scientific discipline that groups and regulates the
functioning of the mechanisms, methods and techniques that operate within this
process. While laws direct the process as such, the principles control its
methodological organization, thus making of it a systemic and dynamic process.
In addition, didactics takes into account psychological, pedagogical, cognitive,
affective, instructive and educative aspects to better deal with the teaching learning
process, which takes in a system of didactic components having each specific roles
or functions within the process itself, namely, the teacher, the students, the contents,
and others.
In the teaching learning process of English, these components, which are
logically ruled by laws and principles, work together, establish internal relationships,
and rely on each other. This makes possible to organize and structure the English
lesson in a more efficient and effective way since the methodological point of view, a
criterion widely analyzed and accepted by authors such as Antich, (1986), Gonzalez,
(2009), Enriquez, (2004) and others.
In relation to the development of students´ speaking skill, the researchers
consider important to assume the didactic principles proposed by Cuban famous
expert Antich, (1986) and the ones suggested by González, (2009), which
thoroughly fulfill the requirements of the teaching learning process of English. Some
of those principles are the following:
The conception of teaching language as a means of communication, also
known as communicability.
● The primacy of the oral language.
● The consideration of students’ mother tongue.
● The concentric distribution of the linguistic material.
● The leading character of practice.
● The consideration of the social and cultural aspects of the language.
Among these principles, this author considers communicability as the leading
principle in the teaching learning process of English. It conceives the didactic
organization of this process taking into account the teaching of the language based
on real communicative situations closely related to students´ daily life.
This principle mostly determines the development of students´ communicative
competence, which is regarded as “the individual´s real capacity to organize the
verbal activity properly according to the different communicative situations (…)”, as
Zimniaya, (1989) points out. The holistic character of this competence makes it
Cuestiones Pedagógicas, 2(31), 2022, pp. 65-82 ISSN 0213-7771 - e-ISSN 2443-9991